18 4 0

Naeun looked down as she quickly made her way to the cafeteria. She felt insecure about how she looked. The humans had completely destroyed her and she couldn't afford to look at herself the same way she would before

"Hey! Naeun! Come sit here!"

Lisa exclaimed while waving at Naeun, who smiled a bit and joined Lisa, who were with her teammates and friends

"Cheer up!"

Sana exclaimed while patting Naeun's shoulder gently with a wide smile

"Your brother will be upset hearing about why you are so down. His and his friends main motive is to shut this thing down and you are being pulled into it which he will feel sad about. Don't drag yourself down Naeun."

Dahyun stated with a comforting smile as Naeun nodded slightly

"Alright! Let's have steak!"

Jihyo exclaimed as the rest cheered except for Naeun

"I would like to have a salad."

Naeun stated as Jennie sighed deeply

"Hey hey Naeun-"

"I know Rosie posie but I don't feel like eating too much lately due to the stress of assignments. I hope you all understand."

Naeun stated as the girls had no choice but to listen as Naeun wanted

"Aright then..."

Tzuyu stated while pouting as Jihyo went to get the food. On the other hand, Hanjin had just weighed himself and he was paranoid

No no no- I have to lose weight. What if Won thinks I am fat? No no what's even worse is what if Jongho laughs at me for being overweight?-

Hanjin thought as he started panicking. He decided that the best he could do was stop eating for some days and then check his weight again. Hanuel had the same issue too. He felt like he wasn't attractive enough. He wanted to look as attractive as his brothers were. He grabbed his duffel bag from under his bunk bed and opened it. He took out an old make up set he had stolen from his mother before they had escaped from their parents. He went to the bathroom and tried it on. He put the make up back in the duffel bag and looked at the mirror in awe. He felt beautiful. Naeun left quickly after finishing her salad, giving an excuse saying that she had to study a bit. She headed straight to her dorm and grabbed her school bag under her bed. She opened it and grabbed the make up set she was given by her caretaker back in the human territory. She lightly applied some makeup, which made her feel better. Hanjin looked over at the box under his bed and took out the make set which his parents gifted him during his birthday. He applied a good amount of it which made him smile a bit


Jisung whispered as he forced his eyes open and looked at the students gathered around him. He sat up and looked around him to see the worried faces of his professor and classmates but no sign of his friends, teammates or groupmates. He was confused and hurt about what was happening until someone started shouting his teammates names. In less than 2 minutes, Minho was the first one to arrive there and hugged Jisung tightly. Bang Chan followed and hugged Jisung and Minho both. Jisung waited for someone to explain about what had happened as it was confusing for him. Jeongin sighed in relief seeing Jisung awake and flicked his hyungs foreheads gently

"You two are stupid. We have to explain things to him."

Jeongin stated as the two older males tensed and looked at each other before giving each other a nod

"You were having a vision, Ji."

Bang Chan started off as Jisung's eyes widened in shock

"You kept on mumbling Hanjin, Hanuel hyung and Naeun noona's names. We knew that it was better to check up on them. And when we did, we found out that the Hanjin and Naeun noona had passed out. Hanuel hyung was covered with make up all over his face."

Minho stated as Jisung froze. He wondered why the vision would even come if it wouldn't help him change anything in the future

"M-My visions... C-Chan hyung we need to do something about it... I-I can't continue like this..."

Jisung stated while tearing up as Bang Chan pulled him in a hug again. Minho rubbed his back to calm him down while Jeongin kneeled down beside Jisung and whispered comforting words to him

"There is only one way to fix your vision Ji. But that isn't what we have to focus on right now. We need to focus on trying to stop from these stupid beauty standards ruining our lives. We need to do it now otherwise the our world will collapse."

Bang Chan stated as he hated to reveal a part of Jisung's past to Jisung himself but he didn't have an option either. Jeongin knew and understood why Bang Chan wanted to protect Jisung from his own past

"We need to make sure that Jongho, Minnie and Changbin are doing fine. Hopefully Lix, Hyunjin, Wooyoung and Joong are able to handle them. We need to fix this now."

Bang Chan stated as Jisung nodded slightly. Minho was the first one to stand up and carried Jisung bridal style. Bang Chan and Jeongin stood up as well before they went in the main building. Seungmin was trying to hold Hanuel down from touching any make up which not only made him, Hanuel and Samuel miserable, but also remind them of their mother. Changbin and Jongho could helplessly pray that Hanjin and Naeun would be alright. Jongho was also comforting Jungwon, who was hoping that everything will be alright. Felix and Hyunjin were helping Seungmin hold Hanuel down. Wooyoung tried comforting Samuel while Hongjoong made sure that Changbin was doing fine

"Guys. Ji is here."

Felix stated as Changbin immediately ran and hugged Jisung, who was still in Minho's arms

"Jongho damn it- put him under a sleeping charm please!"

Seungmin exclaimed a bit as Jongho mumbled a spell and Hanuel was knocked out. Samuel had turned away from Seungmin and Hanuel as he didn't want to start crying again

"Where are the others?"

Jisung asked as not seeing his groupmates, except for Jongho, and friends really worried him

"4 new girls are joining the academy tomorrow so they went to prepare for it. The 8 main groups are to welcome them."


Surprise surprise! Here comes 4 new characters with exciting journeys! Comment down to see who you love when they are revealed in the next chapter!

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