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Yeosang walked back with Wonwoo and Mingyu as they saw Jongho crying in Seonghwa's arms. Many of them were crying while many of them were trying to comfort the ones who were crying. Yeosang knew that the words he said were harsh so he planned on apologizing to them

"Can you really deal with this by yourself Yeo?"

Wonwoo asked as Yeosang nodded even if he was feeling nervous on the inside. He approached them which didn't go unnoticed. Jongho hastily wiped his tears away and detached from Seonghwa as they all looked down

"I don't need you all to apologize because I forgive you. But I would like to apologize in return for all those words which came out of my mouth and for how i behaved as I was angry, which of course you all know that I don't feel most of the time but everyone has their limit and so do I. So it's upto you guys to forgive me or not. I won't force you."

Yeosang stated while bowing as Wooyoung was the first one to approach him and made him stand up straight

"Looks like my tips and advices finally worked hm?"

Wooyoung stated as tears streamed down his face while they all burst out laughing. Yeosang laughed too before he hugged Wooyoung tightly

"I am sorry Woo. My words must have hurt you a lot. I didn't know how to hold myself back."

Yeosang stated while looking down as Wooyoung knew that he was really nervous on the inside

"Forget about me. You should go tell this to Minho hyung. He cried the most and the hardest followed by Jongho, Hwa hyung and Joong hyung."

Wooyoung stated as he wiped his tears away and pushed Yeosang toward the others. He apologized to all of them one by one before finally reaching his soulmate

"Jongho I-"

Yeosang was interrupted when Jongho pulled him into a tight hug. Yeosang could see and feel Jongho's shoulder shaking, indicating that he was crying

"You don't- You don't have to apologize- I-It isn't your fault."

Jongho stated in between his cries, making Yeosang a bit emotional too

"I am the reason why you, my precious boyfriend and soulmate, is crying here in my arms. And which soulmate and boyfriend makes their significant other cry now hm? So I am sorry my baby bear. I lost control over myself."

Yeosang stated as he rubbed Jongho's back gently to calm him down. Jongho calmed down after a while as Yeosang let him go and wiped his tears away

"Now don't cry yeah?"

Yeosang requested as Jongho nodded but pointed behind him. Yeosang looked back to see that all of them had tears in their eyes. The ones who usually don't show off their emotions were holding back the best they can like Danbi, Deji, Yoongi, Jihoon, Joshua, Seungcheol, Hyunjin, Changbin, Junhui, Namjoon, Hoseok, Vernon, Chan, Hongjoong and Mingi. He invited all of them for a group hug, making half of them tear up while the other halves were already crying before they all hugged him tightly. He made sure to comfort all of them as they finally let each other go

"I hope we all learnt from the mistakes each one of us made."

Yeosang stated with a smile as he was wiping away Wooyoung's tears while the others nodded happily

"And through this we learnt that teamwork makes dream work!"

Jeonghan exclaimed happily while wiping away his tears as they all cheered too

"I guess we should go lend a hand to the other students to prepare for the grand full moon festival."

Samuel suggested while looking at them all

"This time it will be held in the main town and celebrated with all the people. So uhmm Hyunjin hyung and I.N hyung..."

Hanjin trailed off as he remember when Jeongin had told him and Samuel about his past with Hyunjin as Jeongin smiled widely

"Don't worry. I have everything under control."

Jeongin stated with a smile as Seungmin knew what was coming and smiled as well

"I smell tricks coming their way."

Minho stated while sniffing the air, making all of them laugh

"You definitely do Lee Know. Now we should get going."

Bang Chan stated as Jimin snapped his fingers and walala they were in the main town. They saw the students busy helping the people in the town. Namjoon's eyes caught some people as he ran to hug them

"Eomma! Abeoji! Sooyun!"

Namjoon exclaimed as he ran to hug his parents and younger sister, whom he hadn't seen in a while

"Joon my baby! How have you been?"

Mrs. Kim exclaimed as she hugged Namjoom tightly. Mr. Kim hugged them gently while Sooyun hugged Namjoon from behind

"I have been fine eomma. You guys should meet my friends."

Namjoon stated with a smile as his parents let him go while Sooyun peeked from behind his brother

"These are my teammates."

Namjoon stated as he looked over at his teammates, who stepped out and bowed to them

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Kim."

The 6 of them greeted as Mrs. Kim chuckled

"Oh don't make us feel old. Just call us uncle and aunty. Oh my! Look at how much our Cheollie has grown! And our Sungie and Jongie have grown so cute! Our Minnie and Joongie looks so mature now!"

Mrs. Kim exclaimed as the Exceptionals
felt a bit embarrassed

"Eomma! Don't embarrass us infront of our boyfriends!"

Namjoon whined as Seokjin burst out laughing while Jeonghan and Joshua began teasing Seungcheol and Seokmin. Seonghwa and Minho were embarrassing Jisung and Hongjoong even more by complimenting them. Yeosang was trying to make a flustered Jongho at ease

"Oooooo! So who is this unlucky man who has to deal with your whiny ass oppa?"

Sooyun asked as Namjoon was this close to bonk his younger sister's head while Seokjin stepped in the front and bowed to them

"Greetings. I am Kim Seokjin, Joon's soulmate."

Seokjin stated as Mrs. Kim gasped in shock while Sooyun burst out laughing

"Someone so ethreal and nice like him is matched with an idiot and clumsy ass like you oppa. No wonder they say that opposite attract."

Sooyun stated while running away before Namjoon could catch her while Hoseok and Seokjin laughed their asses off

"You 5 will also have to introduce your boyfriends to me later. Now chop chop! Get to work!"

Mrs. Kim stated while shooing them all away as Seokjin bowed to them once more before dragging Namjoon away from murdering his sister

"Geez Jin hyung you should be a mom."

Namjoon stated as Seokjin laughed and looked at his boyfriend with a cheeky smile

"I already have 4 kids, a grandpa and a husband to handle. So shut up and let's get to work."

Seokjin stated while making Namjoon flustered as they helped the people decorate the town


Fluff for y'all! Today is my result but shitty website is not working lmoa and I am so frustrated here because I know that I failed or scored very low in physics-

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