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(cat featured above is Tansypool)

A white-gray albino she-cat huddled herself beside a fluffy moss nest. A purr caught in her throat as she watched the two small kits mewling in the nest. Her gaze focused on the two, one smoky gray tom, and a white she-cat with ginger patches. Rustling comes from the far side of the den, the lichen trembling as a tall orange and white tabby tom shoved his way in. His green gaze flicked around the nursery, until it rested on the two small kits huddled together alone. He sighs happily, hurrying over to the kits.

"They're perfect." He whispered, a purr trembling in his throat as his tail flicked excitedly. "Where is Smoketail?" He asked worriedly.

The white she-cat smiled warmly. "Don't fret." She murmured. "She went out for a drink in the medicine dens pool. She's exhausted, but the birth went great." The panic in the toms eyes left, and he gazed at his kits once again.

The den entrance shook again, as the exhausted gray she-cat, Smoketail walked through, catching her mates gaze. She collapses into her nest, curling herself delicately over the small bundle of kits. The orange tom squeezed into the nest beside her, resting his muzzle on her back.

"What should we name them?" He asked in a hushed voice, careful not to wake the kits.

"I'd like to name the she-kit Dockkit." Smoketail sighed tiredly, placing her tail tip on the white and orange she-kit.

"That's a great name." He purred happily. "And how about Sootkit for the tom?" He suggested, as Smoketail rested her head on the moss nest closing her eyes.

"Their perfect names." She mumbled, her body relaxing and her breath evening out to sleep. The white she-cat nodded to the orange tom, leaving the two to rest. She padded out of the nursery, taking a seat beside the den protectively. The she-cat lifted her muzzle to the sky, breathing in the cold leaf-bare air. The snow around her paws melted away, leaving footprints behind as she lifted them one by one. Thank you, StarClan, these kits are okay. She thought, gazing up at silverpelt. The cat studied each star carefully, how close they were, how large, or small they were, how faint or bright they were. Her eyes kept landing on the same one. The she-cat always had a feeling that the star she saw every night to the side of the moon, was her mother.

The she-cat dropped her gaze back to camp, the chill making her fluff out her short fur. She gazed up at the sky once more, hoping maybe she would see something, a sign, or omen. Nothing came to her, but a brand new star began to twinkle beside her mothers star. May StarClan light your path. She thought, her heart sinking. A warrior must have just died. Her heart skipped a beat, as she realized it could have been a cat from ForestClan. She snapped her head back, staring at the kits inside it. Both of their flanks rose and fell gently, and she let out a sigh of relief.

The cat stepped forward towards the den again, peering closely at Sootkit. His dark gray smudged fur bristled out in the cold, and he let out a whimper. As she left her gaze on him, flashes of the great rock overtook her vision. She gasped. What in the name of StarClan? She blinked, and saw the stars circling the young tom. The moonstone flashed before her eyes, blinding her, and she gasped again, louder. She bristled, glancing at the kits, hoping they were asleep. They were, and she drew closer again. She placed an outstretched white paw on the soft fur of the tom, and closed her eyes. A vision of Sootkit on top of a rock, cats surrounding him as he gazed down proudly at three cats shone before her. A smile spread across her face as she realized that Sootkit was special. He would be the leader one day. I should not tell Spottedstar...if Petalsplash finds out, it might affect who she decides to be deputy. She decided. I don't want her to not follow her heart. She drew her paw back, breathing in wonder.

She hesitantly placed her paw carefully on Dockkit, closing her eyes as she did with her brother. Darkness swamped her, and the sounds of yowling cats filled her ears. Battle cries, sobs of grief, hisses of anger. Her heart began to race, and she opened her eyes, but found herself in a dark void. What does this mean? She wondered, her breath catching in her throat. A white tom, with sightless blue eyes pads up to her, blinking lovingly.

"Father!" She cries, throwing herself to him, and burying her muzzle in his fur. "What am I doing here?"

"Tansypool, Sit down, you need to hear something." He replied, placing a paw on her head, calmly. "Dockkit is special." He began. Tansypool fluffed out her fur.

"All kits are special." She insisted, sticking her nub-tail out.

Her father shook his head. "No." He stated firmly. "Not in the way you, or a mother would think. Dockkit has the paws of a cat who can save many one day, if set on the right track. Dockkit is the Paws of Life. She can save cats, but if she chooses the wrong path, she will leave many dead. She has the abilities of no other."

Tansypool stared up at him, her breath catching in her throat. "What...special abilities?" She asked,

"A physical special ability like no other." He shrugged. "I can't say much more. She has a power like no other, aside from the four other chosen cats. There will be five cats, one from each Clan, who must live to be prepared for what is coming. You must guide Dockkit through life, and teach her. If she doesn't get help, she won't fulfill her prophecy, and the blood of other cats will be on her paws. You must help her, Tansypool. I trust you only."

Realization hit Tansypool like a pair of paws. She nodded slowly, blinking up at her father. I can do this. She thought triumphantly. She blinked, and is back in the nursery, watching the orange and white body of Dockkit rise and fall gracefully with each breath. The white she-cat turned around, heading for her den. Thoughts wrapped her mind, and she felt overwhelmed by the news she had gotten. Tansypool slid into her mossy nest, wrapping herself neatly in a circle.

I'm going to have to help raise this kit. She thought, imagining how she would have an excuse to hang out with Dockkit. Tansypool thought of how brave and humble her father was, and how fierce and loving her mother was, and closed her eyes, comforted by the thought of her family being so strong, and how she will be protected. 

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now