Chapter Sixteen

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Dockpaw staggered down the slope leading to camp, her mouth camped with herbs. Tansypool was close behind, shoving through the bracken as they entered the camp. It had been half a moon since her terrifying dream, and she had almost completely forgotten all about it.

"Dockpaw." Tansypool said in a low voice. "I think it's about time we practice more of your power." Dockpaw inwardly groaned as she entered the medicine den.

"How would we? I don't know of anyone with scars." Dockpaw thought aloud.

"Well, we don't necessarily need to practice it physically. We can think up ways to use it, like your paws, nose, tongue." Tansypool suggested while placing her bundle of herbs in the correct spot.

"Well, I know that small cuts are easy enough for any part. Do you think it would work on things like broken bones? Or blindness that is due to an accident?" Dockpaw wondered, beginning to enjoy talking about her power. She didn't want to admit it, but this power was pretty useful, not matter how much it made her feel unordinary.

"I'm not sure." Tansypool shrugged. "I didn't grant you the power." She rasped in a playful sarcastic way. "Hey, I have a scar from the brambles on my ear, wanna heal it?" Dockpaw shrugged, and padded over to Tansypool, who laid her head down on the floor. Dockpaw placed her paw a-top it, and closed her eyes. Almost a second later, it was gone.

"That was fast." Tansypool complimented, standing back up. Dockpaw smiled, and snapped her head to the door cautiously as someone walked in. Tansypool and Dockpaw made eye contact, and Tansypool shook her head, as if to say that no one heard.

"Hello, Tansypool, Dockpaw." Goldenfeather greeted, dipping her head. "I'm here to announce that my kits will be born soon. Me and Spottedstars." Dockpaw smiled at the golden she-cat. New kits! This is great news!

"Oh, Goldenfeather, I know you're almost due. And you know how dangerous it is to be patrolling only...what? Days before you have kits!" Tansypool scolded, but she had a happy gleam in her eyes.

"I know, which is why I haven't been out of camp at all in the past week or so. Spottedstar wouldn't let me." She laughed, exasperated. Dockpaw could picture the two, with Goldenfeathers hard-working leadership skills, and Spottedstars gentle kindness, they would make great parents.

"Alright, lay down here." Tansypool instructed. Goldenfeather curled up in the nest, laying on her back. Tansypool inspected her, placing her paw on the she-cats stomach. Dockpaw took mental notes as she watched the she-cat check Goldenfeather.

"Is everything okay?" Goldenfeather asked, sitting up as Tansypool stepped back.

"Looks great. It's time for you to move your nest into the nursery. There is already a made one there, so no need to make a new one." Tansypool nodded. Goldenfeather said thanks, and left, giving a nod to Dockpaw on her way out. Dockpaw watched her leave, wondering when the kits would be born.

"You know, you're almost fully a medicine cat." Tansypool tipped her head to one side at Dockpaw. Spottedstar poked his head into the den, nodding a smile at the two medicine cats.

"You guys may come to the gathering tonight if you would like." He announced, waiting for a response.

"Yes please!" Dockpaw beamed, beginning to stand up. Tansypool gave a silent nod, and finished putting away her last couple of herbs and turning to Dockpaw.

Dockpaw began to lead her way out of the den, meeting with Marblepaw and leaped over to her, Mosspaw shortly behind.

"Are you coming to the gathering?" Mosspaw asked. Dockpaw's heart skipped a beat, surprised he would be asking her.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now