Chapter Six

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(cat featured above is Snowstorm)

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the high-rock for a Clan meeting!" Spottedstar called, his spotted fur flowing gently in the warming breeze. Dockkit could hardly contain her excitement, as she and her den-mates marched to the clearing, their tails held high.

"Mosskit, no!" Dovehearts firm mew sounded behind her as Mosskit squirmed underneath his mothers tongue. She sighed, gazing down at her three, now much larger, kits. Dockkit and Sootkit exchanged a glance of sorrow, wishing their mother could be there to bother them.

"Today, we will be making these kits apprentices." Dockkit beamed as Nettlefoot and Flameclaw bounded over to them, covering them in licks. "Let us begin with Mosskit, Marblekit, and Thistlekit." Mosskit's eyes widened, as Marblekit leaped towards Spottedstar, Thistlekit close behind.

"Mosskit, Marblekit, and Thistlekit. Do you three promise to uphold the warrior code so long as you are an apprentice of ForestClan, until you have earned your warrior names?" Spottedstar recited, glancing at each kit in turn.

"I do!" They all echoed at the same time, Marblekits high-pitched voice distinct over the tom's deeper voices.

"Then from this moment onwards, you three will be known as Mosspaw, Marblepaw and Thistlepaw. Sunpelt, I am sure you will pass down your determination, and respect to young Mosspaw." Mosspaw walked up to Sunpelt, touching his nose respectfully to the older toms. "Cinderstripe, I hope you pass down your ambition and honesty to Marblepaw. Barleyflake, I know you will pass down your patience and your hunting skills to Thistlepaw." Marblepaw and Thistlepaw took their turns touching noses with their new mentors, and Dockkit could hardly contain her excitement. She glanced at Sootkit, who was gazing around at the warriors, most likely wondering who he would have as a mentor.

"Now, Sootkit, and Dockkit step forward." Dockkit pranced forward towards the spotted leader, anxiety tightening her throat. "Sootkit, Dockkit, do you promise to uphold the warrior code so long as you are an apprentice of ForestClan, until you have earned your warrior names?" Spottedstar recited, glancing at each kit.

"I do!" Dockkit purred.

"I do." Sootkit bowed his head to the leader, smiling up at him.

"Then from this moment onwards, you will be known as Sootpaw, and Dockpaw." Spottedstar mewed. Dockpaw glanced around wondering which warrior would be her mentor. "Sootpaw. I am sure that Petalsplash will pass on her loyalty and bravery to you as your mentor." Sootpaws eyes widened in shock, hearing his mentor will be the deputy. Sootpaw raced over to the sleek black-cat, touching her nose happily to hers. "And Dockpaw." Dockpaw felt a rush of pride for her brother, then returned her gaze to Spottedstar. "I trust Snowstorm will pass on her grace and fierce loyalty to her clan and those she loves." Dockpaw almost leaped with joy. She had a mentor! Dockpaw ran to the pretty white she-cat, touching her nose to hers.

"This meeting is over. Thank you." Spottedstar padded into his den, his tail quivering. Dockpaw flicked her ear, confused, but turned her gaze to Snowstorm.

"I am very excited to train you, Dockpaw." Snowstorm's soft voice snapped her back to reality. Dockpaw noticed a sympathetic look in her eyes as she glanced down at her leg.

Dockpaw tried to hide it, laughing awkwardly. "I promise I will be the bravest apprentice ever! No injury will stop me."

"Of course you will." Snowstorm purred, glancing up at the sky. Few stars began to appear. "We better explore a little before it gets too late." Dockpaw almost yelped with excitement.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now