Chapter Four

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(cat featured above is Mosskit)

A warm breeze tugged at Dockkits fur, waking her up. She didn't dare open her eyes, fear piercing her heart. Memories flooded back to her, the fox's snapping jaws, the pain searing through her leg, her mother, fiercely fighting off the fox. The light of the sun burned through her eyelids, slightly hurting. Her body ached, as though she had been running for moons. Dockkit pushed out her paw, grasping the moss underneath. Dockkit opened her eyes groggily, blinking away the sleep and stretching her limbs. A gasp of pain escaped her jaws as she stretched, her left leg shooting pain through her body. An odd feeling of numbness crept up her hind leg, and she winced, not daring to look down. Dockkit cleared her throat, and slowly peaked down, gasping in horror. She scrambled up, but toppled over herself, whining. Her left leg was completely gone! How could she ever be a great warrior now?

"Help!" She cried, stumbling in the nest for balance. The muscles around the nub felt sore, and a slimy poultice was smeared along a scab that exposed where her bone was. Cobweb stringed over it, protecting the muscles inside. A white head appeared through the den, and she smiled, her eyes filled with pity.

"You're up, Dockkit." She replied softly. "Hush, it's going to be okay. You are safe now." She soothed, relaxing Dockkit slightly, so that her fur rested easily.

"W-what's happened to me." Dockkit quivered, her stomach uneasy.

"When you snuck out on patrol, the fox you must have seen attacked you, and...well...ripped your hind leg off clean. Well, not necessarily clean-" She stopped, wincing at her words. "Anyways," She cleared her throat. "The patrol came out alive with cat." Dockkits throat tightened. One cat...died? Because of me?

"Who?" She asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"Smoketail died bravely, and protected you." Tansypool frowned, her eyes darkening. Dockkit wailed, her fur bushing out.

"No!" Dockkit screamed. "She can't be dead!" Dockkits stomach clenched, as she dropped to the floor, her body aching with grief, and the pain.

"I'm so sorry, Dockkit." Tansypool comforted, placing a paw on Dockkits back. "She will always be watching you from StarClan, and I know she will be proud. Your family will want to see you now that you are awake though." Dockkit blinked open one eye.

"I don't want Smoketail to be in StarClan, I want her to be with me!" She wailed, ducking her ears back. Dockkit trembled, with fear and anger, as she stood up, leaping towards the exit as she tripped, falling and landing on her nose.

"Dockkit, Dockkit!" Tansypool shouted. "You need rest! People will visit you soon, but you mustn't put stress on your hind leg, otherwise it might never heal. I understand you are hurting, but think before you act." Dockkit stopped, and allowed Tansypool to pick her up by the scruff, and placed her back into the mossy nest. Dockkit frowned, her throat tightening as she remembered her mother was gone, and she would never get to sleep in her nest again.

An orange head popped into the den, and as the light focused on his face, Dockkit realized it was Flameclaw, sadness clouding his green eyes. "Hey, Dockkit?" He asked, quietly. "How are you doing?"

Dockkit frowned. "I want Smoketail!" She whined. Flameclaw scooted into the nest with her, scuffling as he tried to fit.

"I know, I know. She's in a better place now." Flameclaw sighed.

"Better than beside her kits?" Another voice asked, his voice hoarse. Nettlefoot, Dockkits father, stepped into the den, his eyes sorrowful.

Dockkit felt nothing but sadness. She had no joy that she survived the fight-at least if she had died, she would be with her mother. "You sure got bigger, Dockkit." Flameclaw commented, his voice lighter.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now