Chapter Twelve

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Dockpaw silently muttered to herself, humming as she went along, placing herbs in the correct area. Tansypool watched from the corner of her eyes, nodding as Dockpaw limped over to a section of herbs, and pointing at it with a flick of her ears.

"You're getting good, Dockpaw." Tansypool rasped. "I think it is finally time you fully become a medicine cat of ForestClan." Dockpaws heart soared. She was finally going to officially become the medicine cat apprentice! She had been working for days, but now, the title would be official. Dockpaw sighed, exasperated.

"I can't wait." Dockpaw purred. "When do we leave?" She asked, her heart fluttering.

"We leave at sunhigh. Before we go, I'd like to talk to you, and do a few chores." Tansypool commented, beginning to stand up.

"Anything." Dockpaws eyes gleamed.

"Dockpaw, listen carefully. This is serious." Tansypool stated, sitting down the young apprentice.

"What is it?" Dockpaw asked, curious, but beginning to become nervous.

"Becoming a medicine cat apprentice is a big promise. There are many more rules than being a warrior, and you will have to learn to let go as well." Dockpaw nodded, listening as intensely as she could. "That includes taking on a mate, or ever having kits. Your Clan is your kits. I've never liked that rule, I think it is stupid, but just because old Tansypool doesn't agree, doesn't mean we can go around doing whatever we want." Dockpaw nodded.

"I know." She flicked her ear. "I never wanted kits." She said simply. "The Clans kits are enough."

"I believe you." Tansypool nodded. "I'm worried about the mate part. There are plenty of handsome young tom's your age in this Clan, and you can not control love, only your resistance." Dockpaws face flushed, and she cleared her throat, embarrassed.

"I know." She muttered.

"Good. Now before we leave, I'd like you to take out some of the herbs I layed out near the exit of this den in the sun. Some herbs work best when dried." Tansypool instructed. Dockpaw nodded, stuck on what she had said earlier. You can not control love, only your resistance. Dockpaw furrowed her brow. She could control herself, besides, no tom has come her way, and she doubts one ever will. "I also want you to check on Cinderstripe before we go sometime." Dockpaw nodded excitedly, and grabbed the pile of herbs, hopping out of the den and sitting beside a smooth rock. Dockpaw thought more on what Tansypool had said, and her stomach churned. Something is holding me back. Something that I can't have. Kits? I do love kits. But I don't want my own...Dockpaw glanced up, locking eyes with Mosspaw, across the clearing who was battle practicing. Her stomach flipped. No! Not you, not him! He can't stop me from becoming a medicine cat. I have resistance.

"Hey Dockpaw, whatcha doin'?" A high voice asked. Dockpaw nearly jumped out of her skin, her heart stopping for a moment. "Woah, I didn't mean to scare you." Marblepaw laughed, sitting beside her friend.

"Sorry, I was deep in thought." Dockpaw mumbled, while continuing to separate the leaves and lay them on the rock. Dockpaw began to stare at Mosspaw, thinking. He can't be the reason. He's nothing but mean to me! Why would I like him? Besides, I never want to like anyone. I never will. Dockpaw fought to convince herself, but the last time she had tried to convince herself of something, she had been wrong.

"Well, if you don't mind I'll join you here." Marblepaw purred. "It's such a nice day out. I can't wait until Cinderstripe is done weaning the kits, so she can train me again, and until the kits can play." Dockpaw nodded in agreement, her paws trembling.

"Guess what! Winterpaw and I had to train alone today, without my brothers, and I won! He was so shocked, beforehand we made a bet, and now he has to catch me the biggest bird in the forest." Marblepaw swooned, sighing, and collapsing to the floor.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now