Chapter Twenty-Two

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The quiet gathering clearing always seemed to give Dockfoot a weird feeling, but she knew she would be safe with one warrior from each Clan with her. Although they were from different Clans, she began to feel like they were her siblings, and it filled a gap in Dockfoots life where she felt like no one knew how she felt.

"Dockfoot." Pythonfang purred, touching noses with her. "Good to see you. You're quite late though, we've already practiced a bit."

"I know, I'm sorry. My apprentice was eager to learn tonight, and he wouldn't go to sleep for some time. Not to mention the apprentices were having a feast tonight. They all shared a large pheasant that our deputy caught." Dockfoot responded as she remembered how much meat was on the large bird.

"That's okay. We were just catching up, now." Rattledsky smiled, his paws shuffling as though he were on edge. "Oh! I'm expecting kits with my mate Lavenderclaw." He purred. Dockfoot smiled.

"Congratulations!" Frosttear smiled, touching noses with the tom.

"I'm planning on leaving a little early tonight, I'm so nervous." Rattledsky gritted his teeth.

"I'm actually having kits too..." Frosttear frowned at his paws. "Not in the way everyone else is though. My mate is...not in my Clan." Dockfoot blinked in shock, and the rest stayed silent. "Please don't tell anyone. Especially your leaders or Clan."

"We won't. Who is it?" Dockfoot wondered if the she-cat was in her Clan, or somebody else's. Frosttear looked to Pythongfang, whose eyes were wide with confusion.

"Please keep my secret. It's Mistedsky." Frosttear looked nervous.

"I...I don't know what to do." Pythongfang blinked in surprise.

"We stopped meeting, I promise." Frosttear gritted his teeth. "She doesn't want to be a mother. She's giving me the kits to take care of. We have fallen out of love, and won't be raising them together at all." Pythonfang looked at her paws. What kind of mother would not want to even see her kits?

"I won't tell anyone." She sighed, shaking her head. Frosttear let his hackles fall, and he looked relieved. "In the spirit of kits, mine are doing wonderful, and are about to become warriors." Dockfoot gasped, happy for the she-cat.

"It's really been that long?" Dockfoot gaped. A part of her heart sank, knowing that Pythonfang was happy with her mate, and all Dockfoot could have was a broken heart. Dockfoot shook her head. She made her decision, if anyone's fault, it was her own.

A small conversation fell amongst the two toms left after Rattledsky had left, leaving Pythonfang and Dockfoot alone, their heads bent as they shared an easy conversation.

"What about you, Dockfoot?" Pythonfang suddenly asked, her voice hushed, too quiet to hear from the two toms area.

"Hm?" Dockfoot asked, glancing up at the she-cat.

"What about you? Do you have any mate or life updates?" Pythongfang explained, curling her tail over her paws. Dockfoot shook her head, laughing lightly.

"No...I'm not aloud. You know that." Dockfoot glanced at her paws, and looked up, staring at the gathering.

"Well, are you in love then?" She continued, licking a paw and drawing it over her ear. Pythonfang was different from other cats. She understood. She knew a cat couldn't ignore love.

Dockfoot frowned, sighing. "I was once." Pythonfangs eyes widened, and she nodded, not answering as she gazed into the forest.

"I'm sorry..." Pythonfang murmured.

"That's okay." Dockfoot shook her head, standing up. "I'll be on my way out. See you all later." The group nodded a good bye, and turned back to their conversations.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now