Chapter Twenty

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Dockfoot took a bite of the thrush in front of her, passing the rest to Mossflame, who happily took a bite. It had been a few moons since they became mates, and Dockfoot felt complete, with her choice of role, and being Mossflames mate. The only bad thing that came with it, was the anxiety of somebody finding out. "Are you not hungry?" Mossflame asked, pawing the prey.

"I've had my fill." Dockfoot shrugged without looking up. Even though it was normal for her to share prey with cats like Thistleblaze and Wintermoon, she felt as though cats were suspicious when she hung out with Mossflame.

"I know what your thinking. I'm nervous too." Mossflame dropped his voice. "But we have to just act confident, like we know we're not doing anything wrong. Besides, is loving someone so wrong?"

Dockfoot sighed, nodding. "I know."

"Part of me wishes you were a warrior. All of me wishes you were a warrior." Mossflame frowned down at the bird.

"Part of me does too, but I was unhappy with my role." Dockfoot agreed, ducking her ears. Mossflame placed his paw on hers. Dockfoot flinched away, standing up briskly. "Mossflame, no one can know. Cats are already suspicious, and I know a few who knew about my crush on you when we were young. We have to be as careful as possible." Mossflame looked heartstruck, but he nodded in agreement.

"It'll be okay, we can work it out." Mossflame mumbled, seeming as though he was trying to convince himself of it as well.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here for a Clan meeting!" Spottedstar called. Dockfoot glanced at the nursery, where the six oldest kits burst out to be named. Dockfoot smiled, happy that her kin was becoming apprentices already. Goldenfeather cast her mate a happy glance as their three kits lined up beneath the rock beside her brothers kits. Dockfoot brought herself closer, settling down beside Tansypool to watch.

"I think you'll like this meeting, Dockfoot." Tansypool purred. Dockfoot tilted her head in confusion.

"Because they're my kin?" Dockfoot asked, as she glanced over to the apprentices. Mintkit sat with his chest puffed out pridefully, while his younger brother sat beside him, smiling softly, his deep orange eyes glittering with excitement. Mousekit practically was bouncing in her seat beside Curledkit, who smiled as well. Icekit was trying to make himself look bigger as he gazed at the crowd, and Spottedkit glanced up at her father, grinning.

"Not exactly. Hush, it's starting." Tansypool whispered as Spottedstar brought himself lower off the rock and beside the kits.

"Today, these kits will be becoming apprentices of ForestClan. Spottedkit, Curledkit, Icekit, Mousekit, Emberkit and Mintkit please step forward." The kits scrambled over each other towards the leader, their eyes shining. "Curledkit, Icekit and Spottedkit. Do you three promise to uphold the warrior code until you have earned your warrior names, as apprentices of ThunderClan?"

"I do." Icekit beamed, at the same time as his sisters followed.

"Then from this moment onwards you will be known as Curledpaw, Icepaw and Spottedpaw. Curledpaw, your mentor will be Thistleblaze. I trust Thistleblaze will pass on his intelligence, and honor. Icepaw, your mentor will be Mossflame, I trust he will pass down his loyalty to his Clan, and his fighting skills." Dockfoot smiled, and shared a glance with Mossflame as his mentorship was named. "Spottedpaw, your mentor will be Marblefeather. I trust she will pass down her optimistic perspective, and kindness to you." The kits touched noses with the three siblings in turn.

"Mousekit, Emberkit and Mintkit, do you three promise to uphold the warrior code until you have earned your full-grown names, for as long as you are cats of ForestClan?" Spottedstar continued. The three agreed and Spottedstar continued. "Then from this moment onward you will be known as Mousepaw, Emberpaw and Mintpaw. Mousepaw, your mentor will be Sootcloud, and I trust you will pass down your bravery and leadership abilities to this young she-cat. Mintpaw, your mentor will be Wintermoon. I trust he will pass down his fighting skills and seriousness to you. And Emberpaw." The leader paused, glancing down at the quiet tom. "Emberpaw, we have spoken in private about your wishes, and I also have spoken to Tansypool. Your mentor will be Dockfoot." Dockfoot blinked in surprise as Mossflame and Marblefeather glanced happily to her.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now