Chapter Eleven

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(cat featured above is Ivypaw)

It had been a few weeks since Dockpaw became a medicine cat apprentice, and she had already learned so much. Dockpaw has been enjoying the warm nights as an apprentice, and whenever she could, she would sneak off from her duties to hang out with her old denmates. She had been more and more tired, because of her late night conversations, and though Tansypool did not know that she had been doing this, she did notice how tired Dockpaw was some days, and she didn't seem too happy about it.

Dockpaw closed her eyes, sighing and letting her exhaustion take over. A rustling snaps her back to attention from outside. Dockpaw sat up, curious who was up this late. "Tansypool?" A voice whispered, on edge.

Tansypool shuffled, and stood up, blinking. "Yes? Is it an emergency?" Sunpelt stepped into the den, his eyes wide with anxiousness.

"Cinderstripes kits! They are coming now!" Sunpelt exclaimed, leading out of the den. Dockpaw gaped. Already? They were not due for another week. Just then, a loud groan came from the nursery. Dockpaw began to stand up, her fur standing on end with anxiety.

"Come, Dockpaw. This will be your first kitting as a medicine cat apprentice." Tansypools eyes shone, as she lead her apprentice out of the den. Dockpaws tiredness seemed to leave her, and she leaped out, passing some of the warriors as she made her way to the nursery. Everyone was waking up now, and cats murmured with anticipation. Dockpaw felt excitement rushing through her, as well as a feeling of fear. My first kitting! Tansypool and Dockpaw pushed into the nursery, squeezing in beside Sunpelt, who watched from the back anxiously. Cinderstripe was on her side, and she gritted her teeth, glaring at Tansypool as she stepped closer. Tansypool lifted her paw to feel Cinderstripes belly, and stepped back as Cinderstripe snapped at her.

"I am only checking to see how many are expected." Tansypool commented calmly. Dockpaw blinked, shocked by her calmness. Clearly, Cinderstripe had not lost her ability to hold her own.

Cinderstripe reluctantly allowed Tansypool to feel her stomach, and growled as she trembled. Most of the Clan was awake now, speaking in hushed whispers as they awaited. Sunpelt watched his mate, uncharacteristically fidgety.

"Dockpaw, go find a stick." Dockpaw blinked at her mentor, unsure if she heard her right. "Well? What are you waiting for? Go fetch a stick!" Dockpaw did not hesitate this time, and stifled a laugh. Am I a dog? She thought amused.

Dockpaw passed everyone, glancing anxiously across the ground for a stick. As she bent down to pick one up, she found herself face to face with Snowstorm.

"Goodluck, Dockpaw." She purred. Dockpaw smiled, turning back and glancing at Marblepaw, who sat outside the nursery, her paws fidgeting. Dockpaw burst back into the den, Cinderstripe growling more than before.

"Thank you." Dockpaw was shocked to see that two kits were born. She studied the small kits, whose fur was spiking in all directions. There was a small golden kit, and a cream tabby, with half its fur gray tabby. Tansypool gave Cinderstripe the stick, who bit down on it. "Dockpaw, lick that golden kit, quickly!" Dockpaw obeyed, licking the kit. The kit let out a pitiful mew, and Dockpaw pushed it towards its mother, as it found warmth. The other kit was mewling already, Dockpaw pushed it beside its sibling, hoping it would find comfort.

"Bite down when you feel pain." Tansypool instructed. Cinderstripe nodded, panting. She began to bite down, groaning, and the wood began to creak. "Great job! Only one more to go. Dockpaw, lead Sunpelt outside, he's creating stress in the air." Dockpaw twitched her whiskers, leading the large tom out of the den, and nosing him to sit beside Goldenfeather, who was sitting calmly beside Marblepaw.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now