Chapter Seven

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(cat featured above is Flameclaw)

Dockpaw sniffed at a green shiny leaf beneath an oak tree, curiousity flooding her senses. Marblepaw and Sootpaw bounced with excitement as their mentors tried to calm them down.

"Today we will be training you on how to defend yourselves in a battle." Petalsplash instructed, her tail lashing. Sootpaws tail trembled excitedly, as Marblepaws eyes shone. Dockpaws stomach clenched, feeling unsure. She didn't want to hurt anyone, and was scared to injure anyone. Dockpaw shook out her fur, stopping herself. It's only training, and I'm learning to defend myself, not harm others...

"This is what a simple paw swipe would look like." Snowstorm turned to the apprentice, then to Cinderstripe who crouched down low, glaring up at Snowstorm. Snowstorm brought her paw up, then back down onto Cinderstripe's nose, claws sheathed. Cinderstripe sneezed, shaking her head. Dockpaw shuddered. Would I do that to another cat, but without claws sheathed? Dockpaw frowned. She thought they were learning how to defend themselves, not attack others. I don't like hurting others...I would much rather be helping Tansypool right now, or learning to hunt.

"Dockpaw, try on me." Snowstorm instructed. Sootpaw and Marblepaw were already turning to their mentors, and Dockpaw sighed. Dockpaw brought up her paw, shakily on her one hind leg, and half-heartedly brought it down to Snowstorm. Snowstorm batted her paw out of the way quickly, sending Dockpaw unbalanced and to the earthy floor.

"No, give it all you got!" Snowstorm smiled, lashing her tail, and preparing again. Dockpaw turned her head to watch Sootpaw, as he swiftly slammed his paw down on Petalsplash, who spat in surprise, and congratulated him.

"Great job, Marblepaw." Marblepaw was bouncing with happiness at her mentor's praise. Dockpaws heart sank. Is everyone enjoying this but me? She returned to Snowstorm's gaze, and braced herself again. Dockpaw brought up her paw, and swiped it down, feeling Snowstorm's pink nose harshly under her paw. Dockpaw flinched away.

"Sorry! Sorry!" She mumbled, regrouping herself. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

Snowstorm rubbed her nose. "That's okay. This is what battle training is. I'm not afraid to get hurt. Besides, it's only a bump." Dockpaw whimpered, ducking her ears.

"You don't seem to be enjoying this as much as the others." Snowstorm whispered, glancing at her denmates.

"I...I don't like hurting cats." Dockpaw whispered back, not meeting Snowstorm's gaze.

Snowstorm sighed. "That's part of what makes up being a warrior." She looked down, thinking. Dockpaw shrugged. "Do you even want to be a warrior?" Snowstorm asked, quietly. Dockpaws eyes widened.

"Of course! I just don't want to hurt others." She replied, her heart sinking.

"Sometimes that's just what a warrior has to do to survive." Snowstorm frowned. "Maybe we can save fighting for when you're a bit older." Dockpaw smiled weakly, thankful. Her heart began to slow down, and she sighed. Why can't I just be normal?

"Hey," Snowstorm called gently to get the others' attention. "I'm going to take Dockpaw to learn how to hunt birds today, to start her off." Marblepaws eyes slanted ever-so-slightly, and she looked away. Cinderstripe nodded, and continued with her apprentice. Snowstorm signaled for Dockpaw to follow her, and led her through the forest. Dockpaw breathed out, slightly embarrassed over the whole situation.

"Here is a nice spot." Snowstorm stopped, sitting down in a sunlit patch of grass. Birds chirped from all sounds above, and Dockpaws ears pricked, excited to get started. "Okay. There are things you need to know when hunting birds. Most mentors start with easy hunting, like mice, but my mentor, Spottedstar, taught me birds first, so I could grow into getting used to it. Now that I am older, I'm better than most at bird hunting, because I've done it for so long!" Snowstorm purred, clearly proud of herself. "You also must be good at jumping, as they can fly into the air at any moment." Dockpaws throat tightened as she thought of trying to leap with only one leg.

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Paws of Life (Book 2/6)Where stories live. Discover now