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You held the gun to my head and
asked me why I was afraid.
You told me to be strong, yet you yourself ran away like a coward on the first chance.
you got.

Tell me.
Was it worth it?
In the end, when you left me all alone to fend for myself, was it really worth it?

Making me hate this world, the people in it, and most of all myself.
Because if that was your intention, then congratulations! You won.

The sad thing about it all is that I actually started to believe you were different.

Different from all the fuc*ed-up people that were already in my life.
But hel* you started to make me like those people because of how fuc*ed up you yourself were.

It's sad that I was so foolishly blind that I believed every single thing you said the moment you said it, because for me, you used to be the light I was so desperately searching for.

You made me forget, even if just for a few moments, how messed up my life is and how fuc*ed up I felt.

So, thank you. Even if you broke me so badly that I don't think I'll ever be the same, I still want to thank you for those memories.

Thank you for reading :)

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