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Just when I started to think I was getting better, they broke me yet again.

They can be one of the most harmless and harmful things in the world.
You don't have any idea if what you said once upon a time could be ringing in someone else's head forever.

I know because I never forgot, and that is why I want to tell you that please remember that words can cut sharper than any kind of knife.

A wound from a knife will heal in time, but it's the wound from words that will never heal because they leave a permanent mark on a person's brain.

I will never be able to forget the day. A person who I loved the most in the world told me that he would've been much happier if I was never born, if I was six feet under and not disrupting his life.

Why do they never realize that I tried my best?
I gave it my all, but sometimes that's just not enough.

Those words will haunt me forever, and now I can't ever look at that person the same way because they never realized what their words did to me. The kind of effect it had on me and my life.

Family is not everyone's safe place. I wish I knew that before I decided to confide in them; it was one of the greatest mistakes of my life. I trusted them just so they could use those exact words against me and not care about what they destroyed in the process.

If I could, I would cut all the breaks. But it's because I still fuc*ing care that I can't...

Thank you so much for reading, you guys make me feel really special. ❤️‍🩹

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