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After 10 long months of training, as well as several days of hanging out with Midoriya and Eijiro, the UA hero exam was finally here. Ayano was ecstatic. She almost didn't get any sleep the night before, but she had to forcefully shut her eyes just so she could wake up on time to be picked up. Quickly grabbing the clothes she hung the night before, she slid them on. The shirt was a type of sleeveless turtleneck made out of spandex while the shorts she wore were a loose type of fabric that would allow her to freely move.

She checked the time. It was 7:14 already. With a quick text to Eijiro, he responded, saying that they were almost there. Since it was the hero exam, it meant the practical version of it. A few days earlier, all students who planned on attending UA had to take the written entry test. It wasn't too bad. The material was a little advanced, more so than the advanced curriculum she received from her school, but it wasn't too difficult. The constant study sessions between her and Eijiro helped.

With the test now being the practical, she wasn't sure if she was supposed to bring a bag or don't. Shrugging, Ayano shoved her phone into her pocket along with her earphones before she headed out. She waited at the entry way of her building's entrance. She mindlessly scrolled through her phone as she waited for her friend, and because she wasn't paying attention, she didn't hear the footsteps coming up next to her.

"Young Sakishima."

Ayano flinched. Looking to her left, Yagi stood there, an eyebrow raised with his hands in his pockets. A long coat cast over his body, and a small pink scarf was wrapped around his neck. The sight made her grin.

"You're still wearing that old thing?"

"Why wouldn't I? Is that a problem?"

Ayano chuckled. "No, I just didn't expect you to still have it after all these years."

"Of course I would. You thought i would throw it away?"

A small burst of warmth spread across her chest, and the admiration she felt for him grew even more. Ayano smiled sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"But I gave that when I was like...8," she mumbled.

"Hey, when I told you I loved the gift, I meant it. Here, do you want my coat?" Yagi offered.

So caught up in her own excitement for the exam and the topic of the scarf, she actually didn't realize how cold it was until now. A light shiver racked her body.

Ayano shook her head. "It's okay. You need it more than I do. Otherwise, I would have come out with a jacket on myself." She laughed lightly at herself.

Yagi smiled. "Well, would you like a ride to the exam then? There's a heater in there. Plus, I'm on my way to pick up Young Midoriya. You guys could go to the exam together."

"I'd honestly love to, but I already have a friend that's picking me up."

As if on cue, a car beeping in the distance made both of them look towards the sound. A black Honda Odyssey strolled to a stop near the sidewalk. The paint job was a little faded but other than that the car nearly seemed brand new. The window at the back seat rolled down.

"Yo, Ayano!" Eijiro yelled. He waved in her direction, which she took as her cue.

Ayano pumped her fist in the air. "See ya, Mr. Yagi! Wish me luck at the exam!"

With that, she ran towards the car. Opening the door, Eijiro moved to the next seat over and Ayano hopped onto the other. She waved goodbye to her neighbor once more before shutting the door. As she settled into the seat, a kick to the back of it caused her to turn around. Her eyes widened.

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