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A few minutes earlier...

Ayano stepped onto the bus with the rest of the kids who got the Battle Center B Ticket. Scanning the seats, she caught sight of a fluffy, green-haired boy fidgeting in one of the seats. He was looking out the window and watched some of the other kids get into separate buses. The seat dipped once she sat down, and Izuku glanced over at the person who chose it.

"A-ayano!" Izuku yelled in surprise, "I didn't know we were going to the same Battle Center!"

"Hey Izu," she said with a half-suppressed laugh, "how are you? Are you nervous as I am?"

"Ye-yeah," he murmured. A nervous smile stayed on his face as he looked down at his hands.

"I never really got to try out his quirk yet," Izuku whispered. Ayano's eyebrows shot up in shock.

He never got to try out his quirk? Well, that's problematic.

Softly sighing, she gave a sympathetic smile to the poor boy.

"You'll do fine. You'll make it in."

Izuku gave her a smile back.

After a few more minutes the bus had arrived at the battlegrounds. All the candidates filed out of the vehicle, standing in wait until the exam started. Ayano took deep breaths to settle the nerves bubbling up in her stomach. This was her chance to get into one of the top schools in the country for the Hero Course. This was the time she trained for.

Stretching her arms out, she began to loosen her muscles. As she prepared herself, a voice with a pestering and irritating tone came from behind. She turned around with a quirked eyebrow, and she saw it was the same kid from earlier that had publicly embarrassed Izuku. He had a hand on his shoulder with daggers glaring into the boy's eyes.

"-what are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?" he accused.

Ayano shook her head with a scoff before marching up to them.

"Hold up a minute," she growled. She ripped away the boy's arm from Izuku, causing both boys to gasp at her action. Taking a step in between, she crossed her arms while her eyes narrowed at the blue-haired person. Surprisingly, she was nearly the same height as him. Ayano was a strangely tall girl, and at times like this, she was thankful for it.

"Alright Mr. Stick Up Your Ass, why don't you just lay off? It was already enough to embarrass him, but this is just harassment."

"And who might you be?" he demanded.

Ayano rolled her eyes. "I don't know. To be honest I've always wondered myself."

His glare deepened. "If you have nothing useful to say, please mind your own business. This matter does not concern you."

"Oh really?" a sarcastic smile forced its way onto Ayano's lips, "well then, my business is my business. And his business isn't any of yours. So, unless you're a thong, stop being up everyone's ass."

His mouth was agape. His jaws clenched, his body growing tense as he tried to withhold his anger. With a smirk, Ayano walked away, Izuku following behind her with a faint blush forming on his cheeks. The petty argument was heard by nearly all of the kids who were present, and many of them began to whisper amongst themselves in fright and awe, some even enjoying the dramatic display.

"Pft bahahahaha! Nice."

"Such a sick comeback."

"Wasn't that the guy during the presentation? It's kind of funny that the one who berated someone got chewed out by another. Talk about ironic."

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