Shota II

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I have no idea how the three idiots roped me into going along with them. The three suggested that we hang out on the weekend, which I didn't agree to. I really didn't want to go. When they came by my house, I tried to avoid them, staying in my room and hoped they wouldn't enter.

However, it was like the whole world was against me. Mindset of a teenager, I guess. My parents let them in. When they heard that I was going out from my three 'friends', they were both ecstatic.

"My baby boy has friends!" They would say. I guess I understand why they acted like that. I wasn't much of a social kid back then. I groaned when I realized they were coming up the steps, and I thought about escaping out the window. Once I was about to open it, a few knocks shot against my door, then it burst open. I flinched.

"We're here!" Hinata yelled. I glared at them as they began walking into my room.

"Haven't you heard of something called privacy?" I gritted.

"C'mon Sho-chan! Don't be like that!" Hizashi yelled. He wrapped an arm around me, subtly pulling me away from the window. I growled. Pushing him away, I rolled my eyes before locking my window.

"I told you not to call me that."

"Come on, Sho-chan! Don't be so pessimistic! You said you would come with us! Please?!" Hinata whined as she shook my arm.

And they ignored me. Awesome.

"I never agreed to that."

I immediately ripped my arm away from hers, taking a step back and leaned against my windowsill. I crossed my arms.

They all had their eyes on me. I remained and said nothing, causing Oboro to come forward. He put a hand on my shoulder with a bright smile on his face.

"It'll be fun Shota! Come on, just give it a chance."

I tiredly looked at him. With a sigh, I reluctantly agreed.

Hinata and Hizashi both gleamed. They cheered, slapping each other's hands as they began yelling in excitement.

I glared. "Just get out so I can change."

They left. My eyes veered to the window, and I thought about escaping again. I didn't though. Both Oboro and my parents would surely scold me for that, so strangely enough, I went along with it. After I changed, I went out of my room, and Hizashi and Hinata yelled something before they ran downstairs. I shook my head at them, and Oboro patted my back and began following them.

That's when I met Hinata's father.

"You kids buckled in alright?" he asked.

The man's voice was soft. It wasn't gruff like most guys who were supposed to be around his age. He had fluffly light black hair. His face was smooth, and white glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. I don't remember specifically what clothes he wore that day. Only the jacket that he never seems to take off.

His name was Yuito Sanomi. A single father who had lost his wife sometime when Hinata was eleven from what I could recall. He worked two jobs during that time to support both of them.

That day, he drove us to the arcade.

As he unlocked the car doors, Hinata and Hizashi both rushed out like a bunch of children. Removing my seatbelt, I moved from the back of the car and hopped out with Oboro waiting for me.

"Alright, let's go," the man ushered. He locked the car doors before we all began going inside.

Being at the arcade wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. We got to play some shooter games, those 8 bit games that were extremely old, and we got to do one of the 8D videogames that allowed us to use our quirks. While both Hizashi and Oboro were trying out another game, Hinata was able to convince her father to play something with her. Who knew he would be good at them.

He was enjoying himself, occasionally cracking some jokes that made Hinata laugh super hard. The other two eventually joined the group. They cheered as they saw Yuito hit another goal in the air hockey table, causing Hinata to deflate in disappointment. Her dad laughed, ruffling the girl's hair as he gave her a soft smile. Despite her loss, Hinata seemed happier than before.

After carrying some of the prizes that some of us earned into the car, Yuito drove to a restaurant that wasn't far away. We went inside and ordered our food. I got Donburi.

While Oboro, Hizashi, and I sat down on the chairs, Hinata and Yuito sat down across from us in the booths.

I ate quietly, enjoying the meal that I had while all four of them talked with one another. As I was about to put another spoonful of it in my mouth, a small flash went off, and I looked up to see Yuito grinning as he moved the camera away from his face. Hinata leaned into him as she glanced at the picture and waited for it to print out.

The machine hummed, then the photo spat out into Hinata's hands as she showed it to the group. It showed a still picture of Oboro and Hizashi shoving each other, some of their food flying in the air. A fist from Hinata was on the table, which is where she also hunched her body over to laugh. On the right side of the picture was me. The spoon was right near my mouth while I stared off towards the two rowdy teens.

I blankly stared at the photo.

"Hey, this is really cool!" Oboro beamed.

Looking up, I saw a fond smile slowly turn Yuito's lips as his eyes fixated on the film between his fingers.

He loved taking pictures. Hinata did too. Like father like daughter. She grinned and took a picture of him too.

He blinked. A chuckle rose from his throat at his daughter, asking what she was doing. Hinata shrugged.

"Nothing. I'm just glad we had fun today."

The statement was unnecessary, but it was emphasized. Like it was important. And it was. When I looked into Yuito Sanomi's eyes, water filmed over his black irises, and a small, short laugh came out of his mouth as his head fell.

Raising a hand, he placed it on Hinata's head and ruffled her hair.

"I did too."

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