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Opening the door to the office, Ayano was met with the surprise faces of Yagi and Recovery Girl. Before she had arrived, she had made a small detour and grabbed a kitkat bar. If Izuku was in Recovery Girl's office, he would get healed, but that also meant he would be extremely tired by the time he woke up. Ayano walked over towards him, setting down the bar on his bedside table.

"Young Sakashima," Mr. Yagi spoke in surprise

"I'm just here to visit," she responded. Pulling up a chair, she sat next to Izuku's bedside with a light frown on her face. She ran a hand through his hair.

The two adults watched her as she stayed next to him. Recovery Girl gave her a sad smile before turning back around for her work. From the entrance exam, she could tell that the two were close. By the way the girl worried over her friend, and how she was the one to save him from falling, Recovery Girl could see that she cared deeply for the poor boy.

It almost reminded her of something akin to the old days.

Mr. Yagi rubbed the back of his neck, his hero costume sagging on his form.


"I heard what you said," she interrupted with a sigh, "I get where you're coming from. You wanted Izuku to know that he could beat him, that he isn't weak. But..."

She fully looked up to him, eyebrows knitted together. "You can't tell me you wouldn't have stepped in if It was any other person."

The tall man didn't respond; his eyes were casted down, avoiding her gaze from guilt. Ayano sighed again as she glanced in Izuku's direction. His eyes were closed, but she could almost see the tired eyebags underneath. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be in any major pain. One of his arms was in a small cast while the other had an IV.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you how to teach a class. It's just he- I'm just..."

"Worried?" Mr. Yagi finished with a small smile.

Ayano didn't respond. Izuku was like a little brother to her. Of course, she's going to worry. Even if those 10 months seem short to develop such a strong bond, it happened. They both care for each other like siblings, and that means both would get worried if the other was hurt. She didn't like seeing it happen to him, and Ayano hates the fact that she couldn't do anything to stop it. It was training, after all.

Mr. Yagi ruffled her hair. "You're a caring young girl. I admire that about you. I'm sure that Young Midoriya will be fine by the time your afternoon classes are finished."

At the mention of class, she quickly pulled out her phone and glanced down at the time. And holy shit, she's going to be late if she doesn't book it.

"I have to go," she said hurriedly. Mr. Yagi doesn't question it, as he put two and two together, only warning her of her teacher's grumpy persona if she were to be late. Ayano bolted out of the room, rushing towards the flight of stairs at the far side of the building. Recovery Nurse's office was on the ground floor for obvious reasons, and Class 1-A is on the fourth floor of the building, which is unfortunate with her time constraint. The flight of stairs were long.

On the way, she accidentally bumped into one of the staff, causing multiple papers to fly from their hold. She apologized, bending down to grab whatever they were and stacking her piles together. The other figure stood there for a moment, before helping her.

When Ayano picked up the remaining papers on the ground, she went to give it back but stopped. She couldn't believe her eyes. The number 4 hero, Loud Cloud. So, he was one of the staff. Her blue pools met his own. Their eye contact lingered for a little bit before she snapped out of her daze, and she handed the man his papers and apologized again. She didn't wait for a response and bolted down the hallway. A small 'hey, hold on!' could be heard, but she ignored it. She slammed the door to 1-A open, causing all eyes to fall on her.

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