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While the group began making their way towards the stairs, Ayano looked back over her shoulder in worry. All Might continued to fight the thing called a 'Nomu,' him dodging while sometimes delivering the blows to the thing.

"Are you guys seeing this? That looked like a huge explosion. All Might's on a whole other level!" Mineta exclaimed.

"Yet he still has to look at his notes when he's teaching us," Asui mentioned with a shake of her head.

At any other moment, Ayano would have probably laughed at the frog-girl's burn, but it wasn't any other moment. Because of this morning, All Might must have used up a majority of his power already, which meant that he didn't exactly have long for his bulky form. She let out a shaky breath, which didn't go unnoticed by the green-haired teen.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Ayano shook her head to try and reassure him. But it didn't do much.

"Maybe we were worried about these guys for nothing," Asui stated, "All Might's unstoppable!"

Ayano looked back over her shoulder again at the fight, and she felt her heart drop. He had so much people depending on him, but he had no one else. He shouldered the weight of the world to protect it. But who would protect him? Her eyes widened when the smoke cleared.

The Nomu had half of its body between a warp gate. It dug its claws into All Might's side, causing blood to seep through his white button up. He instantly let go. He tried to remove the creature's hands, but they wouldn't budge, only digging harder as he struggled.

Ayano wanted to help him, and it seemed like she wasn't the only one.

"Hey, Ayano-chan. Can you stay here for me, please?" Izuku asked as he unhooked her arm from his shoulder.

She shook her head. "That's not happening."

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"And neither do I for you. So let's go together."

The thing is, when it comes to rescuing people, they both knew that they were horribly stubborn when it comes down to it. They knew they couldn't get the other to back down just to keep themselves safe, so what could they really do? Izuku gave her a nod and Ayano smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder.

They teleported, causing Mineta to yell in panic. Ayano gritted her teeth as the sharp pain began to stab her. Only a few feet away, she was about to use her quirk again when the sensation came around her. She cursed. A warp gate appeared in front of the two, and she gasped.


Immediately, Ayano pushed against Izuku, causing the both of them to separate. A certain ash-blonde tackled the warp villain onto the ground, grabbing onto his head before smashing them into the ground. Ice shot out from somewhere and began to freeze over the Nomu. When Ayano looked at the group, she caught a shirtless red-haired boy lunging at the villain leader, only a few inches away from hitting him.

"Eiji!" She yeled.

The boy glanced over at her, and his eyes widened.


Quickly, he ran over to her and asked her if she was okay.

The girl hesitantly looked into his eyes. The grip she kept around her chest still remained, so she loosened it, letting her hand fall to her side. She tried to maintain her labored breathing, and she gave him a small smile and nodded.

Shigaraki scoffed.

"Sanomi, you idiot. How could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here."

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