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When she saw the amount of news reporters in front of the school gates, Ayano knew it was time to go back inside. Since there was still an hour until the school bell rung, both her and Izuku were heading out to a café nearby, but it looks like that trip was cut short. One of the news reporters shoved a mic towards Izuku's face, causing him to step back in surprise.

"Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?"

He panicked, immediately leaving to go back towards the class. The crowd suddenly turned to Ayano, and she visibly gulped as they began to surround her like a bunch of vultures.

"What is All Might like as a teacher? Is there any reason why he suddenly chose to teach at U.A. High?" the people pressed.

Ayano's lips thinned before speaking. "I mean, he's a great teacher, I guess? I'm sorry, I don't think I'm qualified to answer these questions."

"Then is there someone else you know that could?!"

Once one of the news reporters pressed the mic into her face, Ayano took it as her cue to leave. With a straight face, she gently pushed the mic away from her, then walked back towards the school. On the way there, she could hear the reporters talking to some other students who had walked through the gates, causing Ayano to shake her head.

When she entered their homeroom, she narrowed her eyes in Izuku's direction, and he sweat dropped.

"How could you? Left me to the vultures," Ayano said teasingly as she shook her head. The boy looked off to the side, nervously laughing as he tried avoiding her gaze. She chuckled.

Eventually, the the hour was up, and the class began pouring into the room. One of the students who came in was Todoroki, and Ayano watched him walk towards his seat. His eyes briefly connected with hers as he passed her row before sitting down at the back. There was no anger in his eyes, but the glare he gave her yesterday still lingered in her mind.

Mr. Aizawa came in. He walked to the podium, setting down some papers as he spoke.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys," he said, "I saw the video feed of each team an went over every results. Bakugo."

The boy clicked his tongue. "You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay? And Midoriya."

Said green-haired student straightened up.

"I see you only won the match by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk will be pretty useful if you can get a handle on it, so show a little urgency, huh?"

Ayano smiled when she saw Izuku brightened. He looked over at her, and she gave him two thumbs up. He did the same.

"Next order of business, you will be deciding who your class representatives are," Aizawa said.

The class was in an uproar, shouting for them to be the main representatives. While Ayano grinned at everyone's enthusiasm, Iida stood up, saying that the person should be voted for democratically. So that's what they did. After she wrote down who she wanted, she turned in the ballot. The results were put on the board.

Izuku Midoriya- 4

Ayano Sakashima- 3

The girl blinked in surprise as she looked around her. The only person she knew voted for her was Eijiro based off the way he grinned at her. Standing up from her seat, she made her way towards the front, and so did Izuku as he yelped in shock. His legs quaked, his face flushing with nervousness.

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