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It was 8:00 in the morning, the time when all UA classes would start. While all of the other students walked towards the school to get there on time, there was one student in particular who stood at the front gates. He was waiting for someone. Of course, the boy wasn't worried that they would get late, and even if they did, there was always a plausible excuse that he could make up. Not many teachers believed him though.

After a few minutes, the person he was looking for finally showed up.

"Hinata!" he yelled ecstatically. The girl's eyes turned at the sound of his voice. Their contradicting red and blue eyes connected to one another, which caused the girl to smile. It was like she was bouncing towards his direction as she skipped happily. Linking their arms together, she leaned into him.

"Hey Oboro!"

"Cutting it a little close on the time, are you?"

"And when has being late ever bothered you?" she replied, a teasing smirk on her lips.

Oboro laughed. "Never."

While both of them walked towards their class in the hallways, many students gave Hinata a wave as they passed by. It wasn't such a surprise to many of them to see the two together. Almost every day they were with each other; during lunch, classes, and even some other students have seen them hanging around outside. It was a little strange however to see Oboro and Hinata without two other people

When they finally arrived, a pair of hands shot towards them and wrapped around their backs.

"Hey hey! If it isn't the two students who are always late to class!" Hizashi stated. Pulling away from them, he placed a hand under his chin in a thinking matter.

"Surprisingly, you two managed to actually come to school on time."

He then narrowed his eyes at them with a smirk.

"Is there any special occasion? Hmmmmm~?" Hizashi teased.

Knowing what he was insinuating, Hinata scoffed and rolled her eyes with a smile. She shoved his face away from theirs and shook her head.

"Get your head out of the gutter, Hiza. I think you've been spending too much time with Nemy-senpai."

"Of course he would. They both act like children," a voice joined in. The three friends turned to the voice. Smiling, Hinata instantly wrapped her arms from behind him. She rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Hey Sho-chan! How are you?" She said sweetly.

"Let go of me."

"Come on," she whined, "we've been friends for so long already. I can't hug you?"


Oboro and Hizashi sweatdropped at the exchange.

The rest of the school day was normal. Aside from the occasional back and forth insults between Shota and Hinata, the school day was peaceful and easy. Finally, being in their last class, the four of them casually sat next to each other; Hizashi was leaning against Shota's desk, Oboro was sitting on Hinata's desk, while the other two sat in their designated chairs.

Oboro happily swung his legs back and forth while listening to one of Hizashi's stories about a family outing he went to when Hinata said she suddenly remembered something. She shuffled her hand through the pockets of her bag.

"Feast your eyes," she stated dramatically. Slowly, she took it out of the bag, and she put it next to her face.


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