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On days where I can no longer maintain my muscle form, I usually visit the Osumi islands in Kagoshima Prefecture whenever I have the time. It was around late July when it was the warmest on the island. I wasn't usually very fond of the cold. So I was glad that I didn't have to wrap myself in layers of clothing this time around.

After taking a Ferry, I walked down the familiar path as I always had for the past 28 years. Even though the island has been around for a long time, it still remains 90% forest. It's one of the topmost ancient islands in Japan, but I guess all of Japan is ancient, isn't it? Submerging myself in the looming green forest always calms my nerves.

The sounds of the branches rustling, the bright green that shined, and rays of light that manage to break through the spaces. It was calming. Despite the wind, it was the type of cold that I appreciated every once and awhile.

I huffed as I climbed over one of the large roots. I sighed.

This used to be a lot easier when I was younger.

Hopping off, I landed on flat ground. I smiled as I stared out at the scenery. The enormous cedar trees were cleared. They bordered the edges of the area, their large roots creating a type of wall. A small path led forward. At the edge was a singular stone, the height casting a shadow over a small rock formation. In the center of the clearing was a crystal blue lake. The bottom of the water was clear, and occasionally, you could see a koi fish swim by.

I remember my predecessor used to take me here. She wanted me to get in tune with One for All, and so as training, I would have to meditate for hours at a time. This area was special. Though it had no connection to the power, it was a special place to Ms. Shimura. She used to take her family here, and because she stopped contact with them, I think she felt homesick whenever she brought me here.

I didn't mind though. I guess I was starting to do the same.

Walking to the lake, I sat down near the edge and watched the koi fish swim around. It was as wonderful as I remembered. I sat there for a little while, loving the sense of calmness I always got whenever I visited. I rested my head against my fist, my other hand lightly touching the water as I fed the koi fish. I chuckled as one of them brushed against my knuckles.

My breath hitched. Iron scraped at my throat, and I quickly retracted my hand from the water as I coughed into my other one. The fish swam away at the sudden movement.

I heaved, trying to calm my breathing. The surgery a month ago wasn't doing any good. It seemed like my health got even worse.

"Sir, are you okay?!"

I jumped. My eyes shot towards the direction of the voice, and I blinked in surprise to see a young girl standing next to me. Wearing a white t-shirt, she had on blue jean overalls and had a backpack resting against one shoulder. She had strangely white colored hair fashioned into a Dutch braid, but what stood out to me the most was her widened crimson eyes that matched the diamond-shaped red earrings she wore.

I cleared my throat. "I'm fine young lady."

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped away the blood from my hand and mouth. As I put it away, I heard some shuffling from my side, before a bottled water was in front of me.

"Here," the girl said, "you should drink something."

Hesitantly, I grabbed it from her hand after a few moments, then opened the bottle. Once I drank a little bit, I put it in my pocket and turned to her.

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