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Ayano shot a worrying glance towards the boy at her side as he stared at Todoroki in confusion and light fear. For some reason, he brought them someplace isolated from the rest of their class. After the cavalry battle, the only thing he told them was an ominous 'let's go' before walking towards one of the exits of the arena. So far, the only thing the hetero-chromatic boy has done was give them an ice-cold stare. It made Izuku fidget unintentionally.

"So, you brought us here, now what?" he voiced.

They received no reply from Todoroki, only fueling his need to get out of the situation they were currently in. He tried to talk to him about lunch and how they'll be late, but all they received was silence. Ayano had enough.

"I know you didn't just bring us here to have a staring contest," she said rigidly, causing Izuku's eyes to flicker to her tall figure, "what do you want Todoroki?"

He hummed gently before speaking. "I was overwhelmed. And it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago."

"Iida and Kaminari, Yaoyarozu and Tokoyami, Uraraka," he listed as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and stared at it with a certain glint in his eyes, "none of them felt it. In that moment, I was the only one who could sense your true power, Midoriya. It reminded me of something. Experiencing All Might's quirk."

"Oh yeah? Okay," Izuku replied nervously, "is that all?"

"I'm saying that the power from you is like All Might's."

Ayano's finger twitched. She couldn't believe it. There was no way that Todoroki could have already figured it out. If he did, what type of bullshit would they all have to prepare for? What the hell would they do if another person found out what truly was going on?

"Midoriya, tell me.

Are you really All Might's secret love child or something?"

A choking sound came from the blue-eyed girl, and she quickly leaned over to her left and coughed to cover up the laugh that was bubbling up from her throat. As Ayano tried to stop herself from breaking during a serious situation, Izuku stammered out some answers that Todoroki had narrowed his eyes at.

"'That's not it at all' is interesting wording. It suggests there is something between you two that you're not supposed to talk about."

Heart jumping, Ayano slowly moved back and looked at the boy. She stared wearily at him as he looked down. The hair on his head casted a shadow over his eyes, and a dark look made its way onto his features.

"My father is the hero Endeavor. You must have heard of him. Which means you're aware he's the number 2 hero. So if you're connected to the number one hero All Might in some way, that would mean that I have even more reason to beat you."

Todoroki began to tell them how Endeavor would try as much as he could to defeat All Might. But he never could. The number one hero was his proof of failure to get to the top. And no matter what, he still continues to try and best him to this day.

Izuku's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at. What are you trying to tell us Todoroki?"

"Sakashima," the boy hesitated, causing the girl to look at the grey and blue-eyed male, "have...you ever heard of quirk marriages?"

"I- quirk marriages?" she mumbled.

"They became a problem after the first few generations of quirks became widespread. There were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships. They were simply viewed as old-fashioned arranged marriages. But clearly it was unethical. My father not only has a rich history of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems..."

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