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When Shota Aizawa jumped off the steps of the entrance, he did it to protect his students. Despite the warning that Sakashima and Midoriya had given him, he still went knowing that he himself would be outnumbered. But isn't that how it was? To willingly put yourself in the line of fire and risk your life. To have the heart and courage to protect others even with all odds stacked against you?

When he heard those words from his student a few minutes ago, it made his heart jump. Those words. That mindset. It was so much like hers. And hearing it from the student he's been keeping an eye on for the past couple of days made Shota feel like a dagger was sent through his heart. Gritting his teeth, he struck his leg against another villain as he cancelled another quirk.

He jumped back and narrowly dodged an attack.

As he continued to fight off the enemy, Shota saw multiple colors appear near the entrance of the USJ, causing his eyes to widen.

Damn. I blinked, and the guy who seems like the most trouble got away.

Kicking the villain underneath him, he was about to run towards his students when another group of villains blocked his way. Shota clicked his tongue. The only way he would be able to get to his students is if he defeated all of the villains in his vicinity. And that was a big 'if.' It was like a never-ending supply of evil coming at him, and none of it seemed to stop.

Shota growled in frustration as one of the villains began to use their quirk. He erased it, then dashed towards them to deliver a punch to their face. Using his scarf, he jumped up and trailed it behind him, dragging two other villains with him before flipping his body and slamming them against the pavement. Shota tried to catch his breath, but as he looked up, a figure began running towards him, causing him to quickly get up.

"The final boss!"

He panted as he threw his scarf towards the assailant. As they grabbed the end of it, Shota quickly bolted forward and tugged on the connecting part. He jabbed his elbow into their stomach. Just as he was about to use his scarf again, a hand tightened around his elbow. His breath hitched.

"It was hard to tell when you were jumping around, but I found your tell," the guy said, "it's your hair."

Shota's eyes widened. As the stranger began to speak, his elbow began to sear in pain, causing him to grimace. The edge of it where the guy's hand was started to turn into a stone like grey. Then, pieces of Shota's clothes and his skin began to peel off on its own. Raising his fist, he punched the guy and jumped back.

Shota glanced down and inhaled sharply.

He destroyed my elbow.

Someone shouted from next to him, and he quickly maneuvered out of the way. He slammed his body into the villain. They tumbled back. Another person. He dodged. Once he moved out of the way, Shota got up and looked around. Three villains had surrounded him.

Strained breaths made their way out of his throat, and he turned as the leader began to speak.

"That annoying quirk of yours isn't suited for drawn out fights against big groups, is it?"

Shota's teeth clenched.

"Don't you think you're a little out of your element eraserhead? You're much better working stealthily," the guy continued, "you're known for surprise attacks, not fighting head-to-head."

Although he was in the middle of a battle, Shota internally scoffed at the man.

What is he trying to do? Give me a lecture?

"But despite knowing that, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight. To put your students at ease-"

Shota's hand balled into fists as a few others went to attack him. Taking them out, he turned around and focused on the leader of the group. He pulled on his scarf, and the material began to elevate slightly above his neck. Shota felt winded, but he couldn't stop. Everyone was in danger. The only way to help them was to take out the person who started it all.

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