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This was it. The second game of the Sports Festival was about to begin. After 15 minutes, everyone had gathered their desired teammates. For Ayano, theirs consisted of Eijiro, Bakugo, and Sero. Out of all of them, the explosive Pomeranian was the rider. Although she hated that she was following him, the placement of their team made sense.

While Eijiro was the front horse, both Ayano and Sero were on the side. They both served as defense pieces in this game, and if they wanted to win, they would have to try their hardest to keep everyone away. Sero could tape whoever comes towards them, whilst the girl would use her teleportation quirk to get them out of any binds.

That would mean being useless in combat though.

"Are you guys ready?! Let's not further delay the exciting event, shall we?" Loud Cloud announced from the speaker system.

"One final countdown before the game starts...


"Get him," Bakugo grunted while he cracked his knuckles. Ayano's eyes looked up at him before shifting back forwards.

Conserve my energy unless we really need it. I'll just work as the legs for now.


I'm sorry, Izuku. But if it really comes down to it, I'm taking those points.


Because I'm going to win.


And with that, they were off. Ayano and the group ran forward towards Izuku's group. Just as they got close, the 10 million group flew up, causing Bakugo to glare at Ayano.

"Use your damn quirk already! We just need to beat these extras, we don't need your stupid ass plan!"

"Shut it, idiot! Just follow the plan! We need to save it until we really need it!"

Their eyes followed Izuku's group as they landed down. Running towards them, Ayano could see that they were on the defensive. They stood on guard as the rest of the players ran towards them. Many of the groups tried to attack, but other than Mineta's quirk successfully sticking them to the ground, no one had the chance to take them down. Once again, they flew up to avoid the crowd.

A burst of sound followed by a trail of explosions. Ayano flinched.

The group gasped with wide eyes as Bakugo flew up into the air to catch the retreating group. Just as he was about to attack, Tokoyami's dark shadow had blocked him, and he began falling to the ground. Sero used his tape to grab him.

"woah, nice catch!" Eijiro commended.

Once he was settled back into place, Bakugo glared at Izuku's team in annoyance.

"Get after him!"

"Y'know, you should really warn us when you do something like that," Sero scolded.
The group prepared to run forward, but a sudden scream of a sentence from Present Mic made Ayano look back with wide eyes.


"You're class is too small minded, think bigger."

Holding their teams' points was a student who belonged to Class B from what she deduced. He had short blonde hair, along with dull grey eyes that seemed to stare at her team in mockery.

The boy gave a sneer as he monologued about how Class B stayed in the middle ranks just to check what types of quirk each competitor had. In addition, he teased about how Bakugo was attacked by the sludge villain.

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