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After the strange event that happened during lunch hours, Izuku ended up handing off his position to Iida. He was a little strict, sure, but Ayano didn't mind him. Since Iida had already apologized to Izuku, both his and Ayano's relationship got a little better. Well, when he didn't go off on a tangent about school policies and what not.

Sighing, she leaned on the palm of her hand as they waited for what they were going to do for class. She was a little tired.

"Alright everyone, today's training will be a little different," Mr. Aizawa began, "you'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

Ayano perked up at what he said.

It's probably because of the break in.

Sero shot his hand in the air and asked what training it was. As explained by their teacher, Class 1-A would be doing a rescue simulation, which was more based around the natural disaster types. The class erupted in excitement. Mina cheered loudly, and Ayano looked back to give her own smirk. She was a little excited too.

"I wasn't finished yet."

The class immediately quieted down.

"What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes."

As he said that, Aizawa clicked a remote that moved the wall out, revealing the costumes that they had worn the day before. Ayano smiled at her case on the shelf.

"This special training is on an off-campus facility. We'll take a bus to get there. That's all, start getting ready."

Once he left, everyone began getting up from their seats. Ayano followed suit, grabbing her numbered case from the shelf and left to go get changed. When she stepped out of the locker rooms, Eijiro and Kaminari were outside waiting in their costumes. Ayano rose an eyebrow with a small smile.

"Were you guys waiting for me?"

"Of course!"


Ayano blew the air under her breath in amusement at Kaminari's comment. She shook her head, placing her hands on their shoulders and shoved them towards the direction of the stairs.

"Come on you dorks, let's go."

When they arrived downstairs, the boy that she was almost the exact same height of marched up to her, his quirk activated repeatedly which was honestly a weird sight for her.

"Sakashima! You're late!"

Ayano raised her hands in confusion. "Iida, I'm not even late! Me along with everyone else just got here."

"Precisely! If you are on time, you're late! If you're early, you're on time!" He said as he chopped at the air.

Sighing, Ayano pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"You do realize that since I arrived at the same time everyone else did, they're all late?"

"Exactly! That's why get here on time!"

"It's not on time if you're early."

"The bus could have left by the time you guys got here!"

"They're not just going to leave with one student on the bus, dumbass!"

Yeah, nevermind. Their relationship wasn't any better.

As they kept arguing, it seemed to attract most of the students' attention. Some giggled, while others shook their heads. Off to the side, Kaminari and Eijiro sweat dropped.

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