It takes a village to defeat a hedgehog

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"Oh Y/n, come here. I've made you breakfast and got something to tell you," Sonic called out.

"Coming Dad," I said as I started making my way to the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen and waited for him while eating the pancakes.

"I'm going to enroll you at Unnamed elementary, so that you can make some friends there," Sonic said.

"Really? But what if they'll bully me or make fun of my appearance," I asked, worriedly.

"No worries. They won't. The teachers are gonna know that you're my kid. Also the teachers are going to teach you how to be a hero like us and your first day starts tomorrow," Sonic replied.

"Oh sweet!" I exclaimed.

I ran outside and started yelling out loud.

"I'M GOING TO BE A HERO!" I yelled out, happily.

Sonic looked at me, happily. 

 He walked up to me and said that we're going to the library to pick out comic books to celebrate.

"Y/n, stay close to me, okay? I don't want you running off to different sections that you're not comfortable with," Sonic said.

"Okay," I said.

We started looking around for comic books until we heard a crisis going on outside. 

 We went outside and saw a black and red hedgehog and Eggman fighting against Amy, Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks. 

 That hedgehog teleported himself to Sonic and started punching him miraculously, then suddenly I heard him say Shadow like the name of the attacker

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 That hedgehog teleported himself to Sonic and started punching him miraculously, then suddenly I heard him say Shadow like the name of the attacker.

"Come on, Y/n. This is your moment and future," I said to myself.

I quickly put on my combat outfit and started running towards Shadow who was still attacking Sonic. 

 I immediately whacked him on the head with a bat and started putting up a fight against him as well. 

 Eggman looked at me in fear as I looked him in the eye while sitting on Shadow's body, so he flew off back to his base.

"Y/n!" Amy, Sticks, Knuckles, and Tails cried out.

"You okay," Sonic asked in a worried voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied as I got off of Shadow's body.

"How can I be defeated by a human? I failed as the ultimate lifeform. I'm a failure," Shadow said in shame.

"You're not a failure," I said as I lent out my hand.

Shadow grips onto it and gets up from the ground, but notices my height.

"You seem pretty strong, human. How old are you," he asked.

"I'm 7 years old," I replied.

Shadow's eyes wide opened and placed a hand on my arms to feel my muscles.

"I'm also going to start my first day of school here tomorrow. I'm on my way to become a hero just like the rest," I said, happily.

"What's the kid's name," Shadow asked as he turned to Sonic.

"Her name's Y/n and she's also my adopted child," Sonic replied.

"I was wondering if you can join our team as in our family," I said while holding his hand.

"I'll be glad to join," Shadow said, smiling.

"Yes," I said, happily.

"Only if you let me be your 2nd guardian as well," Shadow said.

"Deal," I said.

Sonic Boom x Child (human) readerWhere stories live. Discover now