Tails' Crush

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It was a beautiful day for a good workout with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles.

"Alright, Y/n. Ready for your running," Tails asked.

"Ready," I replied as Sonic held me by the legs.

Sonic started running with me moving forward with my arms and hands and by the time we made it to the finish line, Tails was spacing out and forgot to end the stopwatch.

"Tails, what's the time?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't stop the time. Can you do that again," Tails asked.

"Maybe next time, Tails," Sonic replied.

As time went by, we're at the village and Eggman was talking to Leroy about some package until he unleashes his decimator bot.

Tails flies towards the Decimator Bot in his plane. Sonic presses his communicator with his right index finger.

"Tails, initiate Speeding Swing Surprise!" Sonic commanded.

Tails flies towards Sonic, who grunts and jumps on top of a building. 

He then jumps and holds out his arms in slow motion, only for Tails not to give him the Speeding Swing Surprise. 

Sonic grabs thin air instead, then as he opens his eyes, he realizes this, and falls.

"Hold on, Dad!" I yelled out as I ran to catch him.

Successfully I caught him in my arms and decided to grab a wooden beam, then started whacking it like a pinata.

"You haven't seen the last of me! I'll be back... with that note!" Eggman yelled as he flew away.

"Dude, what happened out there? You never miss a cue," Sonic said as he walked to Tails.

Tails doesn't listen and blinks. 

Sonic then waves his right hand over Tails' eyes. 

Cream passes one of the cupcakes to the customers. 

She notices Tails and waves at him with her right arm.

"Hi, Tails!" Cream said.

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah. I was gonna say hi, but then..." Tails said as his tails started propelling into the air.

"Uh, see you later!" Tails said to Cream.

"Oh ho ho, I see what's going on here," Sonic said.

"Tails have been hypnotized by man-eating tomato people?" Sticks questioned.

Sonic runs up to Sticks.

"Yeah... that, or our pal Tails has a crush on that girl," Sonic said.

"What? Who? Cream? No, Sticks was right. Definitely the tomato thing," Tails said.

"Oh, my gosh! Tails is in love! That is so adorable! You are so adorable!" Amy squealed.

"I am not adorable! I-I'm serious and formidable!" Tails protested.

"Awww!" Amy, Sticks, and I said.

"I just... don't know how to talk to her is all," Tails said.

Cream is now holding a basket in her right arm as she puts several cookies in it with her left. 

Sonic then puts his left hand over Tails' back.

"Don't worry, pal! You're about to be enrolled in the Sonic school of impressing the ladies!" Sonic said.

"That's a good school. It's where I studied air conditioning and refrigerator repair," Knuckles said.

Sonic taught Tails how to be cool when it comes to talking to girls, but it didn't turn out as Tails thought it would be. 

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