Sol Rulers

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Ashe and I went back to school the next day after the mech suit ordeal.

"Hey Y/n, want to go to the cafeteria for some chili dogs or even pizza," Ashe asked.

"Sure," I replied.

We walked to the cafeteria for lunch and sadly the lunch was not chili dogs, not pizza, it was just a plain old classic grilled cheese sandwich.

"Oh man, if we're either in my dad's house or your dad's house, we would even either have chili dogs or that 5 alarm chili," I said, disappointed.

"Yeah, but at least nothing bad is going to happen today," Ashe said.

A few hours later once school just ended, I sat down on the stairwell with a long face that this day was disappointing due to school lunches and Sonic's mech suit ordeal from yesterday.

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"Hey Y/n, are you ready to go on our daily walk," Ashe asked as he sat next to me.

"I don't think so, Ashe. Why don't you go without me? I'll just wait here for Tikal to finish up," I replied, sadly.

"What's the matter? I heard about the grumpy fish. The grumpy human. Come on, Y/n. What's got you so down," Ashe asked.

"I don't know... Have you ever gotten one of those days where you don't feel like doing anything?" I asked.

"Yes, we all have days like that," Ashe replied as he pats my back.

"Good thing, you're in luck. I have just what you need,"he added.

"What's that," I asked.

"A walk around the park. It's a beautiful day out here," He replied as the sun started shining from the clouds.

"I don't think so, Ashe," I said.

"Oh, uh, okay. Well, then I think I have something else to cheer you up," He said.

"Okay," I said, unsured.

"I've been practicing my bark. My dad and I were descendents of the dog after all. Check it out.. *bark* *bark* *bark*," Ashe said.

"Alright, you win. Let's go for a walk," I said.

We started making our way to the park by the school.

"Trust me, Y/n. You'll feel better in no time," Ashe said.

"If you're kinda down. Or if you're feeling sad. There's one sure way to make you feel glad. A tour through the village or hiking in the park. Make you feel so great, You just have to bark," Ashe sang as we strolled around the park.

"Skipping through the town. Or strolling round the block. Watch your worries fade away. There's nothing like a walk," Ashe continued.

"There's nothing like a walk," I said, groaning.

"See there?" Ashe said.

"Look, Ashe, I appreciate what you're trying to do here. It's just that I'm not feeling it today," I said.

"Well, I'm feeling another verse comin' on! What do you say?" Ashe asked.

"Sure. Let's keep walking," I groaned.

We continued on walking, not knowing a white hedgehog and a purple cat was following us.

"Listen to the birds," Ashe sang as he looked around the trees.

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