The Unnamed Episode

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I woke up early in the morning to get myself ready for school. 

 As I was about to grab my coat and backpack, Tikal immediately saw me when I was about to head out of the house.

"Hold it right there, young lady," Tikal said.

"What's going on, Ms. T," I asked.

"School is somewhat canceled today due to the Mayor's announcement for a gathering at his mansion," Tikal replied.

"Oh... Let's see what's going on with him," I said.

I went back to my room to change back into my casual clothing and walked with the others to the Mayor's mansion for his announcement.

"As we all remember, the epicenter of tourism for our fair village was the giant ball of twine. That is, until someone unwound it," Mayor Fink said.

Everyone boos at Sonic.

"I only did it to stop a deadly rockslide from steamrolling the whole town. I remember it like it was yesterday," Sonic said.

"We don't have time for a flashback. We need to reinvigorate tourism. Suggestions?" Mayor Fink asked.

"What if we sold T-shirts for the town? Get our name out there," Amy suggested.

"Great idea. Just a quick question: What is the name of our town?" Wild Cat asked.

Everyone talks to each other.

"Our village must have a name, and I know just how to find out. Everyone, to the library!" Amy announced.

"Or we could just look it up online?" I asked while holding my tablet.

"Y/n, the library is an important resource, with its easy-to-use card catalogs and cabinets upon cabinets full of microfiche," Amy said as I started typing on my tablet.

"Found it!" I exclaimed as I heard a beep.

Everyone cheers while Amy groans.

"Our town was originally called Badgerville," I said.

"Named after its founder, Jebediah Badger. He was a ruthless bank owner and landowner who seized power by manipulating the system," I narrated as I started reading.

"He kicked people out of their homes, just to develop on their land, and expand his fortune," I continued.

"Eventually, our ancestors rebelled, chasing him out of town. Then they tore down all the signs bearing his image and the town's name. Afterward, they were too lazy to hang up new ones," I ended.

"So technically it's still called Badgerville," Ashe said.

"That's impossible!" Sticks exclaimed, upset.

"What's wrong," Larry asked in concern.

"Jebediah was my great-great grandfather!" Sticks exclaimed.

Everyone gasps.

"My ancestor was... the man!" Sticks exclaimed.

A few minutes later...

"Jebediah Badger stood for everything I hate in this world: Abuse of power, oppression, shoddy sign construction," Sticks explained, upsettingly.

"You have nothing to do with him, so it's nothing to be ashamed of," Larry stated as he placed his hands on Sticks' arms.

"I guess I overreacted. Thanks, Larry," Sticks said as she pats Larry's shoulder.

Sticks takes a walk with Larry. 

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