Sonamy Matchmakers

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"Y/n, get ready! Time for school," Sonic yelled out.

"Okay Dad," I yelled back.

I got dressed in my casual clothing, my running shoes, and my backpack ready for my first day of unnamed elementary. 

 Sonic and I started making our way to the school and I hugged Sonic tight.

"Okay, Y/n. Be good, okay," Sonic asked.

"I will, Dad. See ya," I replied as I started walking inside of the school.

As I walked inside of the school, it had a bunch of students who were buffed up and others were creating weapons. 

 I was so astonished by the school's insides until I got bumped into a bear.

"Oh sorry," I said.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm Ashe. This is my wisp friend, Red Shot," Ashe introduced.

"I'm Y/n, the new student and adopted daughter of Sonic The Hedgehog," I introduced.

"Cool! It's wonderful to see you. I knew one way or the other that you're his kid. I saw you fighting against Eggman's robots the other day," Ashe said as we started walking to the gym.

"Really," I asked.

"Oh yeah. Also my dad is planning a family camp for spring break and I was wondering if you and your dad wanna come by," Ashe said.

"Really, I mean I have never been to a camp before," I said.

"Maybe you should, Y/n. There's going to be a lot of games there, roasting marshmallows, and most importantly telling each other campfire stories," Ashe said.

"That'll be fun, I'll talk to my dad about it," I said.

"Okay, think about it. I'll let my dad know that you're interested in the family camp," Ashe said.

"Thanks, Ashe," I said.

I started making my way to the classroom, not knowing a mysterious female bat was spying on me. 

 After the school day ends, every student gets picked up by their parents while Ashe and I walk out of the school together.

"Y/n, do you ever wish that one day that you will have both parents as in a mom and a dad," Ashe asked.

"I don't know. I kinda wish to have two parents, but I wanted to make sure if my dad's going to be happy," I replied.

"Don't worry about it. As long as the person can keep your dad happy, you can be happy as well," Ashe said.

Suddenly we hear Ashe's dad calling for him.

"Oh, that's my dad. See ya Y/n. Get home safe," Ashe said as he walked away.

"See ya Ashe. You too," I said while waving at him.

I sat down on the stairwell to wait for Sonic until a female bat came over to me and kneels down in front of me.

"Hey there, Cutie. I'm Rouge. I'm a friend of Sonic and the wife of Shadow The Hedgehog," Rouge introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Rouge. I'm Y/n, daughter of Sonic The Hedgehog," I introduced.

Rouge was shocked that I'm Sonic's daughter and decided to ask me if I know where Shadow is.

"Can you help me find my husband, Shadow," Rouge asked.

"Of course," I said.

I got up from the stairwell and linked hands with Rouge as we began making our way to Sonic's shack.

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