Tommy Thunder

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The alarm clock went off and I woke up from a very good sleep.

"Y/n, get ready! Time for school," Sonic yelled out.

"Okay, Dad," I yelled out as I grabbed my backpack from my bed.

After eating breakfast, we made our way to the school and I saw Ashe and Red Hot making his way inside.

"Okay, Y/n. Have a good day at school. Don't get in trouble," Sonic said.

"I won't. Bye, Dad," I said while I was heading to school.

As I walked inside of the school, I bumped into Ashe and Red Hot who were putting their stuff in the lockers.

"Hey Ashe," I greeted.

"Hey Y/n. Man, all the students were going crazy over some movie star named Tommy Thunder," Ashe said.

"Really," I asked.

"Yes. They're going crazy over him,"he replied.

We started walking to the classroom and the teacher began her lesson on making weapons.

"What type of weapon are you making, Ashe?" I asked.

"I'm making an iron spear with a ruby encrusted handle," Ashe replied as he showed me his spear.

"Cool, I'm making a spear as well, but with a silver encrusted handle," I said.

"Nice, we can be spear twins," Ashe said with glee.

"Oh Yeah," I said with glee.

We walked over to the other classroom for combat training and started doing our personal training techniques.

Everything started working fine until I saw Sonic being banished by two police officers.

"You okay, N/n," Ashe asked.

"Something's wrong. My dad is being banished away from the village," I replied.

"What?!" Ashe exclaimed.

"Yeah, it has something that has to do with Tommy Thunder," I said.

"Man," Ashe said.

We made our way to the lunchroom to eat slices of pizza.

When we're about to eat our pizza slices, we heard laser shooting and screaming from the village.

"What was that," I asked.

We looked out of the window and saw Eggman shooting lasers while the villagers were counting on Tommy Thunder to save them, but Tommy started running around like a coward.

"Dang it, Eggman again?!" I exclaimed.

"That's not all, Tommy Thunder is just an actor, not a real life action star hero," Ashe said.

"We have to go and help them," I said.

"We can't! The school doesn't end in 2 minutes," Ashe said.

"2 minutes or not, we have to save the village!" I exclaimed.

"She's right," The Mayor said as he walked inside of the classroom.

"Mr. Mayor, what are you doing here?" Ashe and I asked in unison.

"Y/n, I was very wrong about banishing your father, but I need you and your pal to save Tommy Thunder from Eggman. He's becoming more of a coward than a hero," Mayor exclaimed.

"Really? It seems like Tommy Thunder has it under control," I said as Ashe agreed with me.

"Please! I'm begging you both to stop Eggman," Mayor pleaded as he went on his knees.

"Okay, fine! Me and Y/n are going to stop Eggman," Ashe said.

A few minutes later, Ashe, Red Hot, and I went outside and saw my other family members trying to fight against Eggman.

Ashe took out his wristband and wore it on his wrist as we took out our spears.

"Ashe, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Something that I haven't done before," Ashe replied.

He looked at Red Shot with determination.

"RED HOT! MEGA EVOLVES!" Ashe yelled as he pressed the button on his wristband.

Red Hot turns into some type of super wisp and I was shocked by it.

"How is that possible," I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, my dad knows about this. Come on, let's fight this together," Ashe exclaimed.

I nodded as we took out our spears and started going rampaging at Eggman's robots.

"Wanna know something, Ashe," I asked while running.

"What," Ashe asked, whacking a bee bot with a spear.

"Our dads would be very proud of us for protecting the village," I replied as I whacked another bee bot.

"You're right about that one," Ashe said.

"Red Hot, use dragon rush!" He commanded.

Red Hot shoots out his fire power balls from his tentacles and shoots it at the rest of Eggman's robots.

A few hours later, Eggman fled away and Tommy Thunder was on the ground, feeling embarrassed.

"You're okay, Tommy Thunder?" I asked as me and Ashe walked over to him.

"My name's not Tommy Thunder. It's Irwin Fertelmeister," Irwin said.

"Are you okay, Irwin," Ashe asked.

"Yes, I'm okay. Thank you both for saving the village. Your parents are very proud of you both," Irwin replied.

"Ashe," Park Ranger Bear yelled.

"Y/n," Shadow yelled.

We turned around and saw the park ranger and Shadow looking at us with proud smiles.

"Dad," Ashe exclaimed as he ran into his father's arms.

"Shadow," I exclaimed as I ran into his arms.

"Wait! What about Y/n's dad? Is he unbanished," Ashe asked.

"Yes, he's unbanished," The Mayor replied, confidently.

I smiled in relief and saw Sonic zooming in, pulling me into his embrace, including Shadow.

"Proud of you, kid," Sonic said as he pats my head.

"That's my boy. You'll become a hero one day with your lady friend, son," Park Ranger said.

"Thanks Dad," Ashe said.

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