How you met/first interactions(?)

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(Wooo the boring part(not really boring) but here we go!)(These are in random orders)(Words:260)(These might seem OOC but its just how i would see it go down)

-You arrived a few months after Jax

-For some magically reason he spared you from his pranks but not from his teasing 

-You already know Ragatha was suspicious about that

-You obviously arrived before her

-You and Ragatha welcomed her

-You explained to Pomni how you reacted the exact same when you first arrived

-She felt a bit better knowing she wasnt the only one

-She arrived before you

-She comforted you right away and explained things

-She also warned you about Jax and his pranks

-You kinda stayed near her at all times

-He def arrived before you

-You also had an interest in bugs(me personally i HATE bugs they terrify me)

-He avoided everyone

-His screams make you jump

-But once he figured out you also liked bugs he kinda was with you most of the time

-They arrived before you

-There wasnt much interaction between you two but Zooble doesnt really like anyone here

-Theres not much to say but they didnt really hate you

-She arrived before you

-You accidently broke her comedy mask

-You apologize over 100 times and offered to fix it

-After you fixed her comedy mask she accepted your apology 

-You were one of the lasts people to arrive

-He didnt even need the name machine to find a name for you

-so obviously he was the one who gave you ur name "___"

-You actually liked your new name

(Wow done i think that's everyone i will update this if i miss anyone but i think that's all anyways byeee!)

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