How you guys feel about each other

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(So i want to publish as many chapters/parts as i can before i get writers block but anyways lets get into it, reminder they may seem OOC)(Words:314)(This is short btw)

Jax: He doesnt know why but he cant pull serious big pranks on you only small lightheart ones
You: You're grateful that he doesnt do serious pranks on you and you sometimes laugh at his jokes or teasing

Ragatha: She likes your company and finds you sweet and caring
You: You love her company she's makes you feel happy and she's really caring towards you

Zooble: They dont mind you, you're probably the only one they can tolerate
You: You feel neutral towards them, you enjoy their company 

Kinger: He's paranoid of everyone but not as much as around you, He usually hides behind you to hide from jax
You: Despite him being paranoid of everything you're glad he can feel a bit at ease with you and you like listening to him talk about insect

Gangle: She enjoys her time with you and finds you a very sweet and nice person
You: You find to be around her very nice and calming, you always cant help but smile with her

Pomni: She feels at ease with you since you two can relate so much, she talks abt the "exit" with you
You: You comfort her as much as you can and feel happy around her and listen to her as she rants about the "exit"

Caine: He likes to flirt with you empty handed most of the times and likes to take you on adventures and enjoys being around you
You: You dont mind him being around you all the time and actually enjoy some of the adventures he takes you on

(Yurrrr finished this one too lowkey almost forgot about Pomni but i remembered anyways sorry that this is a bit short i didnt really know how to go around this but i hope you enjoyed!)

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