Who asked who out?

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(IM ALIVE and decently well, its my bday and i had some free time so might as well do this, its probably shit and ive going crazy over twisted wonderland im obsessed with malleus and leona)(ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS <3)(Words: 248)

-He acted like it was a prank/joke
-But on the inside he was freaking out
-Acted smug when you accepted

-You did
-She was speechless for a few
-You took this as a no
-But when she saw that look on your face
-Her digital heart shattered
-She said yes like a 100 times

-She did
-She asked gangle to help her make a paper flower banquet(or smth)
-Obviously you were speechless and nodded your head rapidly

-You did
-surprise surprise you asked them out first!
-Zooble wouldnt act on their feelings and ask you out so u did it instead
-Tried to pretend to not care but u could tell they were happy

-You did
-You made paper insects
-He was so amazed he didnt hear you at first
-Once he heard u tho
-Despite him being old and forgetful
-He knew what u meant and accepted happily

-He did
-He set up a romantic date
-Finally got bubble to leave him alone
-He was insanely nervous but tried to cover it up with flirting
-You happily accepted him

-You did
-We all know shes too much of a flustered mess to ask you out
-You made her a letter and it was beautiful
-Obviously u handed it to her in person
-To say she was happy was an understatement

(Andddddd done i hope you guys enjoyed this and maybe i'll post more idk yet, byeeeee!!!) 

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