If you abstracted pt2!(you coming back)

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(Soooooo someone requested this and im here to deliver!, i hope everyone enjoys this pt2)(Words: 427)(Requested by M_I_C_R_O_W_A_V_E)(I feel like if u did come back u would either not remember the feeling of being abstracted or you would and it could be like painful or u could get night terrors from it that brings the pain from being abstracted)(that did not make sense...)(also it may seem OOC but i do NOT remember what i said in the last chap..)(sorry if its not good)

-Would be shocked
-Would thank caine so much for bringing you back
-You would NOT leave her sight
-She would want you to come to her whenever you feel bad

-Would be really happy to have you back
-Told you to take a break and she'll continue looking for the 'exit'
-You tried to tell her you can join but since the 'exit' was the reason you abstracted(or u can change it) she didnt want you to help for now

-Wouldn't admit it but really grateful to have you back
-Would follow you around for a few days to keep an eye on you
-but of course "He doesnt really care" (he really does and you know it)
-and for those few days no one would've gotten pranked since he was with you
-You didnt mind it tho

-Would be grateful but wouldnt show(i dont think they can either way)
-Would try to fist fight jax when he brings u being abstracted up
-as much as they hate everyone they would try to stick with you as much as they could
-Wouldn't want you going abstracted again

-He was SO SO SO happy when he found a cure
-You already know you were the first one saved/cured
-Would NOT and i mean NOT leave you alone
-No adventures for you since you will only be with caine for a WHILE
-light hearted flirt jokes to keep you in a good mood and those nasty thoughts away

-Wouldn't realize at first you were back
-Until you entered his fort
-His eyes were closed but when he felt a tap, he screamed and open his eyes to see....you
-He would call your name a few times and you responded every time
-Hugged you really hard
-not allowed to leave the fort
-Told you a lot of insect facts to make up for the lost time
-also to keep your mind busy but he didnt realize that

-Lowkey almost started crying
-She moved so fast her mask almost broke again
-Really happy to have you again
-she would hug you
-obviously not tight tho bc she has ribbons for a makeshift body...
-you two have a tea party together

(I believe this was dog$*@& but if you enjoyed this then im glad! cya!!!)

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