babysitting a kid?!

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(Hey! This was a request from JaxTADC589 i hope this is up to your standards and if its not im sorry!)(words:476)(lil explanation: Caine thought it would be so fun and funny to give each member a "kid" and well this is it turned out)(Y'all...should i add my own OC into this? 🤭 im playing im playing....or am i 😏)

-Easily the best one
-She would take great care of the kid
-Wanna colour? Sure! Dance? Sure! Hide and seek? In a certain area sure!
-Had to get on jax's tail about leaving the kid alone
-Very sweet with the kid

-Surprisingly not the worst
-If the kid got in danger he would act like he didnt care but he realized he would get a scolding from you so he had to drag the kid to safety
-Makes them do pranks with him 100%
-Teaches the kid smart remarks to make when anyone(but you) says something
-Got yelled at by ragatha about how hes taking care of the kid
-But hey...he could be doing worse things right..?

-Ehhhh i feel the awkwardness from here
-Awkwardly stood near the kid while the kids does its own thing like colouring and looking around
-Would lead the kid else where when near dangerous stuff(jax)
-overall...she rather never do this again

-She had a pretty decent time
-She taught the kid all sorts of arts
-like drawing and origami and even painting
-She even let the kid to put stickers on her face(mask)
-Stayed in her room the whole time
-She was pretty happy afterwards

-do you really wanna know...?
-Made the kid fly
-Only when was the kid near the VOID did he realize that horrible mistake
-Took the kid to the carnival and won the kid every game and even got cotton candy!
-He tried teleporting with the kid but only when half of the kid came with him he... He didnt try it again
-At least he got the other half back.

-Completely forgot he had the kid with him
-He showed the insect book to the kid and it actually interested the kid!
-So kinger just answered all the questions the kid had.
-But jax had to ruin the party by snatching the book and running off
-Y'all jax simps get him a leash-

-i dont wanna say the worst but...
-They taught the kid swear words + the middle finger
-So everytime zooble and the kid saw jax they would "#&*€!" "🖕"
-Jax was like shocked for a good 5 mins before retaliating
-A terrible war started (and ended) that day
-Caine can only shake his head in disappointment

(Woo! Done i hope this is what u were asking for! Thanks you for reading this! Love you alllll byeeeee!!!)

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