when you're tiny!(pocket size)

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(This was requested by! @MelissaSkurdalsvol)(sorry if this is not what u meant i just thought this might be a bit easier and more interesting)(Words: 375)

-Usually he could fix it with a snap but for some reason he didnt this time(he thought u were too cute)
-he had to keep you away from bubble tho...bubbles wanted to eat you
-For once he was actually careful...magically...somehow.
-he kept you in his vest chest pocket, you arent all the way in your arms, head and some of your chest is out watching shit go down

-Freaked out.
-he actually ran allllllll the way to his tent and just stayed there.
-You sneaked your way inside his tent and stayed in there with him

-She also kinda freaked out
-She had a really hard time holding onto you
-She kinda panicked and brought u to her room so you'll stay in there away from jax(for the most part)
-she made u a paper boat that you can sit on while she carries u around

-Almost stepped on you if Ragatha didnt stop him
-He would most likely pretend to almost step on u to terrify you
-but then he thinks the others would step on you so he put u in his overalls pocket(the one on his chest. if there isnt one there now there is)
-More teasing about how small you are compared to him

-They didnt really mind it at first
-until jax almost "accidently" stepped on you
-thats when they started caring
-Had Ragatha hold you while they look for caine to turn u back to normal

-Came rushing over when she heard Pomni screaming
-Thats when she noticed you so....tiny?
-Asked pomni what happened and was shocked she said it happened randomly
-Ragatha had u on her shoulder holding onto her hair and tried to think of things you guys could do while you were like that

-Keyword. Freaking out, weirded out and overall stressed
-Ragatha and Gangle had to calm her down while jax was laughing his ass off
-Zooble started to strangle him.
-All this commotion caused caine to appear and Pomni explained through breaths what happened
-And before you know it you were back to your normal digital self

(WOO done! um it is really short and im sorry for that i just really didnt know what to put. So i hope this is good enough! Love you all bye!!)

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