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(Requested by @Littleknightmare )(HAVE Y'ALL SEEN THE NEW EP, HOLY FVXK WAS JAX FUNNY AF, I COULDNT STOP LAUGHING. I also like how we got to see a insight of everyone's personality a bit more. Also im not dead thankfully, i just couldnt get on wattpad like at all..)(Words: 337)(Also sorry for it being short, not feeling the best atm)(this is like real late...)

-Not much of a surprise but they arent much of a hugger or physical toucher
-But there are rare moments where they are okay with cuddling
-But that consist of little touching
-Most likely the Loosely Tethered

-Was the one to ask you about it
-You didnt see a problem with it so you agreed
-He loves the idea of keeping you close to him, so you have a smaller chance of abstracting
-Most likely the pursuit or the spoon

-He acted like he wanted nothing to do with cuddling
-Was teasing you about it
-He may not show emotion very often but he does enjoy cuddling you <3
-Most likely the pretzel 

-She brought it up
-She was nervous bc she doesnt exactly remember how it feels to cuddle 
-But once y'all got comfy she never felt safer
-Defiantly the honeymoon hug

-You brought it up
-She seemed unsure at first bc well...she's ribbons
-You assured her it didnt matter so she agreed
-She was really happy and wasnt worried abt anything for the first time in a long while
-Probably the sweethearts cradle

-Had to ask him a few times bc he forgot
-You snuggled up next to him while he read one of his many insect books
-sometimes he would forget you were there
-But at times he can be really nice to talk to
-Probably The Half spoon

-You guys dont cuddle(sorry fam)
-She's made it clear she hates being touched and you ofc respect that
-At most its a hair touching but thats it
-(sorry pomni fans, tryna keep it kinda canon to some extent)

(Sorry its almost a fucking month later i kinda forgot LOL but maybe MAYBE if i have more energy i'll get working on the others have a great day! love you byeeee!)

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