If you abstracted

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(Yep, i posted for the first bit in a while, some shit has come crawling back up so i was tryna deal with that while thinking of what to add to this book and i rewatched TADC a few more times maybe looking for inspo and i came up with this, most books of tadc scenarios will probably have this in it but its a good take on angst >:), i hope you enjoy this!)(words: 459)

-Would be at a lost for words
-backing up TERRIFIED
-She thought you two were gonna escape together
-No words would be able to come out of her mouth and she'll just plead that this is all a dream and you're still okay and will escape with her

-Would be crying no doubt or close to tears
-Would try to talk to you
-"____  I-Its me R-Ragatha...y-you know your girlfriend???"
-Obviously you can't recognize anyone or anything 
-She would want to try to bring you back before getting caine because she doesnt wanna lose you
-But she couldnt get to you, no one could so you got sent to the cellar..

-Refused to believe it was you at first
-Thought this was a prank by everyone but when he saw the faces of everyone he realized it wasn't...
-"Ha ha very funny prank..... This IS a prank right???.....r-right?"
-His voice would shake when he realized you really did abstracted
-His jokes and pranks became HARSH after you were sent to the cellar
-And his emotions are locked straight back up

-Knew it was you from the very beginning
-He just knew the feeling it was you
-He really REALLY didnt want to put you in the cellar but there's no cure (yet)
-But in someway or somehow if a cure appeared, you'd be the first one cured
-"I'm sorry dear.....i'm sorry i couldn't keep you sane... i'll come back with a cure for you, i promise you"

-Didn't really believe you would abstract this quickly
-They got meaner
-Like Jax, their feelings got locked straight up
-Refused for anyone else to get close to them like you did
-Was upset at how you just gave up
-Even when you were talking about escaping with them and about the real world

-Would be bawling her eyes out
-She refused to believe it was you
-wouldnt stop crying
-Wouldn't be able to talk or get words out
-Wouldnt leave her room at all, would look at pictures of you and her(That you guys magically took and printed)

-Would scream (in general)
-Would only realize its you after gangle screamed it was you
-Instantly ran to his fort and just cried in there
-Wouldn't leave his fort
-Everyone thought he would abstract next too but surprisingly he didn't
-Would be more paranoid and afraid of leaving his fort after you left

(All doneeee i feel so sleepy but i woke up a few hours ago but anyways i hope you enjoyed this and cyaaaa)

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