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(surprise not surprise its a jax x reader i got this idea while thinking of the chase scene between Pomni n kofmo(if thats how u even spell his name) enjoy!) (Words: 1797)(!BTW some of what the characters say are NOT word to word!)(Also im sick while making this and the other chapters before this so this is def not my best writing)(YO I FUCKING REALIZED I SPELT ABSTRACTED WRONG OMFGGGG I ALSO REALIZED ITS GLOINKS NOT CLOINKS..)

*Your POV*

It was just another day in the tent when we were about to finish the theme song when the whole group started to fall like dominos, that's when i noticed a jester? must be someone new. "Caine is this one of your NPCs or is this a new fella, because if its a new character we're gonna have to do this all over again" Jax said while walking back over towards me. "No way im doing that again" Zooble said that with annoyance but to be fair when arent they annoyed, "Wow seems that a new human has entered the realm!" the jester was pulling on her hat and eyelid while saying something about taking a headset off "You should really-" "Just keep grabbing at it, it worked for the rest of us" Jax cut me off mid-sentence so i elbowed him in the side "what?" "Dont cut me off" i looked back at the jester "But as i was saying you should stop that it wont help you in any way" she continued to grab at her face pulling on her eye and mouth then stopped, she looked around for a few seconds then said "What's going on? i-i-i (i hate stuttering. but she was stuttering while saying it so.) put on some weird headset and now" she looked pretty scared while looking at us "Who are you people? Why can't i take it off?? Where am i?!" ragatha started to step in "Let's just calm down, everything is gonna be okay new stuff" i watched ragatha walk towards the new member "We've all been through this, you just gotta get your head-" "WHAT THE #$*^ IS GOING ON!....what?" "Now now now my dear!" here comes caine... "We cant have any of that foul language around here, the amazing digital circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages!, You stepped into a magical place where anything can happen!... except swearing" then the new comer just started to swear every name in the book. "Wow what a foul mouth.." i say watching this all go down "Oh my god.....well uh how do i uh...leave?" caine seemed a bit speechless there "Well uhh don't freak out about this or anything but we dont exactly.." "We can't!" jax butted in again... "Shut up jax but yeah he's right.. welcome to your new home and uh your new body" thanks for that Zooble. "New home??? w-what do you mean??" seems like the jester is going to break any second now but we were all like this when we first joined "Come on guys dont be mean.." "Ragatha isn't wrong we gotta be nice to the new one" i added in, Jax smile grew bigger and thats never a good thing "We've been stuck here for years while kinger there is supposedly been here the longest" We all turn to Kinger's pillow fort "Huh..did someone say something about a insect collection?" I personally listened to Kinger go off about insects and i dont get why he likes them, "That's why he's crazyyyy" i slightly shake my head at jax while he went back to me. It was obvious the new comer was gonna have a panic attack any mintue now, her breathing got faster and then her eyes got a bit big. "Ohhhh Okayyyy now i get it, this is all a dream and i should play along until i wake up!" yeahhh she's not gonna last long here....she was looking at all of us and well to easy put it none of us were amused but jax. "Whatever you say kid" and i was gonna walk over to Gangle to fix her comedy mask but jax walked over it and broke it even more while Gangle let out a cry.. poor girl. "So Caine are we gonna have an adventure for the noobie or not?" "I would like to give our newest member a tour of the circus grounds first" Caine then grabbed the new member and disappeared so i decided to sit on the floor and get comfortable while Jax walked over and sat with me. We were always pretty okay with each other tease each other back n forth he never went too far with me for some reason like he did with the others i wonder why sometimes. I would say around 5 minutes passed when they returned and the new member ended up puking...gross, i turn my head away so i can't see it but i heard bubbles cleaning up the mess and that was enough for me to know what was going on..."Why are you like this..." Yep i wonder that too Caine... anyways after the mess was cleaned up it was time for her to get a name the first option was 'XDDCC' and it was a terrible name lets be honest then she agreed on 'Pomni' not too bad of a name. "You're right Jax! we should have an adventure for our brand new member Pomni" "I/he said that like 5 mins ago" we both looked at each other while he was smirking i had a small smirk and a raised brow, "We'll have an indoor tent adventure!" "Ew no i dont want to do another indoor adventure" i looked backed at Zooble when they said it and to be honest i kinda didnt want to do one either but if its for Pomni i guess so. "Don't worry Zooble i will this an adventure you can still choose to not participate!" he flew into the air while i was starting to stand up "Todays adventure issssss gather the gloinks!" i wasn't really paying attention i was stretching, when i snapped back into reality Jax said me, him, ragatha and Pomni are going to get Kofmo while gangle and Kinger are getting Zooble from the cloinks. (Time skip to them in the dorms/sleeping area~) Ragatha was explaining to Pomni about the adventures and breaking point when we finally got to Kofmo's door. I couldnt place my tongue on it but something didnt feel right i mean we havent seen Kofmo in days and Kinger said he was ranting about some exit like Pomni was so i had my suspicions. When Jax opened the door my suspicions were correct he abstracted..."Hey i was looking for this, thanks for keeping an eye on this Kofmo" and with that Jax took off running leaving me, Ragatha and Pomni with Abstracted Kofmo, "So uhhh how should we go about this??!" i semi yelled when giving quick glances to Pomni and Ragatha "Uh maybe we can fix this before we need Caine?" "Are you crazy?! how will we fix this?!" Kofmo shoved us back and cornered Ragatha and then send her flying between the walls and oh my days that must've hurt. "H-H-Hey Guys a l-l-l-little-e-e-e h-h-h-help he-e-e-ere" Ragatha was glitching OUT i felt bad for the girl but i kept my eyes on Kofmo while Pomni tried to help Ragatha but seemed to step back after her hand touched ragatha's, "Looks like we need Caine huh?" Me and Pomni took off running while Kofmo was chasing us, Pomni took a quick right while i tried to take a quick left but failed and kofmo pushed me off with him or whats left of him..."___!!!" Pomni yelled out for me "GO HELP RAGATHA I'LL DEAL WITH KOFMO" in reality i dont know how i was gonna do this i just yelled without thinking. Pomni ran back to Ragatha, i slightly rolled over holding my arm since i landed on it but i looked over and saw 'kofmo' chasing a cloink so i knew i had to get up and start running to god knows where just somewhere else. After a bit of walking i was catching my breath when i turned the corner and saw pomni staring at a exit door? "Pomni!" but it seem she didnt hear me and went in, i ran towards the exit door but faded away as soon as i got close...i heard kofmo and i looked behind and welp there he was charging right at me, i went into a full panic mode and took off running and i mean running!! i hid behind a wall while kofmo was chasing another gloink and fell through the ground?!. I decided against going over to where he fell and ran back towards Ragatha she was just making it through the entrance of the sleeping area and at this point i didnt care how much pain i'll be in or anything and put ragathas arm around my neck and helped her walk downstairs despite me glitching out as well. I couldnt tell how much time has passed walking with Ragatha but the pain was like a 90/10 from the glitching and the pain from possibly breaking my arm from the fall and the headache from the fall as well it was not a good day for me, I saw the others and walked towards them carrying ragatha. "I-I-I-I-Im in s-s-s-s-so much p-p-p-pain" "You said it.." Caine snapped his fingers and we both stopped glitching but the pain from my arm and headache are still there ragatha looked down and rubbed her arm as she stood next to Pomni while i was using my good arm to hold my head and walked over beside Jax. "What happened hotstuff?" i didnt care for the nickname at the very moment "Falling off the 2nd floor and glitching out takes it out of you Jax.." Caine told us we finished our adventure and told us our rewards is a amazing dinner prepared from our 'chef' bubbles. I just sat and relaxed beside Jax while everyone was chatting up a storm when jax deicided it would be funny to playfully slap my bad arm when i shot him a death glare, his smirk got bigger "Dont worry Beautiful u know im playing" i eye roll and look at the others hiding the small blush creeping onto my face as the dinner went on.

(Holyyyyy shittttt was this a long one, im sorry if this is complete garbage im so sick and tired but i had this idea and really wanted to get it out before i lay down but i might add some more chapters if i can't sleep but byeeeee!!!)

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