If they abstracted(and came back)

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(This was a request by @100K_D3VILZ ! i hope this is what u wanted and if not im so sorry!!)(Words: 727)(they wanted for them to abstracted, then came back and found you crying)(not doing caine because well he can't abstract-)

-He was def out of it more than before when he came back, he never wanted to hurt anyone and he almost did...
-He was so jumpy even more than before and stayed away from everyone else
-He made a straight b-line to his fort not knowing you were in there
-While he made it in not even realizing you were there, you were crying
-he only realized a few minutes later and screamed, scaring you
-Since it startled you, you looked up at him and started touching him everywhere(not like that) to make sure this wasnt a dream(it wasn't)
-You started to hug him while crying and he hugged you back and no conversation began, just nice silence between you two

-She wanted to see you first and surprise you
-Despite her still not feeling the best she wanted- no she NEEDED to see you
-She found you in your room, when she knocked and you told her to go away not realizing its her
-She kept knocking till you open the door with red eyes, hinting to you were crying and that made her heart break into thousands of little pieces
-Your eyes go WIDE and u bring her inside and started crying asking if this is real
-She tells you that this is real and goes for a hug which you obviously accept, missing her touch
-Spent the rest of the day in your bed cuddling

-You were in jax's room just laying on his bed, breaking into the room to do so
-Not caring about what was going on outside jax's room u zoned everything out
-You heard the door open but didn't care....until you heard jax's voice
-"Hotstuff u miss me that bad?" he said that with his usual smirk
-You shot up and look at him, more tears falling faster and faster
-You ran from his bed to him, hugging him not caring that he "didn't want to hug you" (he totally did after experiencing all that)
-But he didnt stop you from hugging him and he eventually hugged back

-After coming back from abstracting she kinda gave up from trying to find a exit (for now)
-She was walking back to her dorm while she heard crying, she debaited either to go see who it was or not
-But when she realized it was from your room she deicides to help
-She knocked on your door and called out your name
-"____?" when you heard her voice u thought u were going crazy, finally abstracting
-But there was another knock and she called out to you again, despite the tears rolling down your face. You go to the door and see her
-Your face is in complete shock, "I heard you crying and i-i wanted to know if you were okay"
-You brought her into a hug and even tho she hates human contact she let you hug her for a bit

-They were minding there own business when you saw them
-You called out to them and started running
-They noticed you to told you- well yelled at you to stop running so u won't crash into them
-You slowed down when you got close to them and asking if this was real, they said it was
-You fell to your knees crying saying you thought you lost them for good
-It was kinda awkward for them to be standing so they bent down as best as they could while trying to comfort you

-She wanted to show you a drawing she drew (totally forgetting she just came back from abstracting and didn't even say hi to you)
-So when she found you crying she was shocked
-She saw you holding all the drawings she made you while bawling your eyes out
-her imaginary heart shattered, she put her drawing to the side and walked over to you asking what was wrong
-You shot your head up and stared at her, dropping all her drawings and hugging her while bawling your eyes out
-She hugged you back while saying 'everything is okay, im okay, you're okay' and so on
-Yeah she stayed the night and u guys had a sleepover

(And that is it, i hope this was decent enough to read and i know i said "crying" a lot but the requester wanted them to find you guys crying anyways byeee!!)

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