Chasing pt2(kinda)

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(so i saw something kinda wanting a pt2 to this so this is kinda the next day, also since its been a while since i wrote that it might not make sense but wtv!!!)(Words: 837)(Sorry if its bad!, im kinda sick)(* <- that means thinking!)
S/S = swim suit
F/C = favourite colour
S/F/C = second favourite colour
F/D = favourite design

(uhhh IDK wat POV, so imma just make it your POV)
*Your POV*

*Its been a few days since koufmo abstracted and ragatha has been keeping gangle and pomni up and running while zooble, jax and kinger could care less, well kinger already forgot and the other two generally couldn't care less.* I was ripped from my thoughts when i got a pie to the face... "jax." i wiped the whipped cream from my face and jax is on his knees laugh, that i roll my eyes to and kick him in the side. "GAH-" i snickered at jax as he stands up and looks into my eyes (you can be shorter, taller or same height as him). The reason jax is around me so much is because 1. im not scared of him 2. im not gonna kill him every chance i get unlike someone... but anyways while we were having our little staring contest gangle and pomni came over. "Guys caine wants us to see him-" since we were so close with our little staring contest the others eyes widen, "Uhhh are we interuppting something?" pomni asked and jax looked over to them first so i smirked at that knowing i won and then walked to the others. "Nah you aren't where does caine want us to meet at?" i asked looking at pomni n gangle, "Follow me" gangle smiled while she lead the way, it was nice to see her mask not broken for once but it probably wont be long since jax is here now.

~Time skip to when they were at the meet spot~

We were all waiting for caine by the digital lake for whatever reason and Jax was starting to get on zooble's nerves with all the complaining. "Jax if you dont shut the #&!* up im gonna strangle you." Zooble was never in a good mood and jax is only making it worse. Finally Caine showed up "Hellooooo everyone! im so sorry for being late i was uhhhh delayed by something" he looked at the moon when he said that, i rolled my eyes not wanting to think about it. "Anyways! today we will be exploring the ocean!" he snapped his fingers at that and we were all in swimsuits. Ragatha was in a beautiful one-piece that was blue and white polka-dots while pomni was wearing a red one-piece with blue stripes. Zooble, gangle and kinger didnt really have bodies made for swimsuit so they didnt change, While i got a S/S that's F/C with a S/F/C F/D and jax just got a pink swim trunks. And with another snap where were above the water and dropped down into the lake, some of us screamed (you, pomni, ragatha, gangle and kinger) after we were rudely dropped into the lake caine also came into the lake and told us to follow him. I rolled my eyes and started swimming with jax not far behind me, Ragatha was helping pomni and gangle was so cute doing a doggy swim and kinger was just spinning while swimming??? he's always on something else only me, jax and zooble were swimming well on our own. We finally made it to the "bottom" of the lake and there was fish and the coral reef it was really pretty i'll say that. Jax was using the coral reef as a hiding spot to scare the others and ended up getting choked by Zooble's yellow arm but since we can't die or have the urge to sleep, eat or really anything jax was fine but since it was getting pretty late caine had us go back for dinner that bubble was preparing us. We were doing fine but i was uh not much of a swimmer i had to put more energy into it and jax noticed, he seems to notice everything about me. He smirked and grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him and pushed me out of the water while i was just laying there jax came out of the water and ontop of me (like holding himself up above you). We were just staring at each other and we started getting closer and closer untilllllll caine showed up. "what's taking you two so long- WOAH HELLO-" we instantly separated and had caine put us back in our clothes and take us to the dinner table where i sit next to jax.... this will be a long dinner....

(And done! im so sorry if this is shit, i kinda didn't know what to put and lowkey i also wanted a part two yk? but uhhh i hope this was good enough to read and i'll see you guys another time byee!!!)  

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