Love language

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(This was a request made by @SophieSecretX! i hope this is what you meant and enjoy it!)(Words: 295)(These are just my opinions so if they dont match urs sorry!)

-Teasing (obviously)
-Calling you names(like hotstuff and etc) to see you flustered
-pulling chessy pranks on you
-won't admit it but he enjoys making u smile even if its from teasing

-Quality time together
-Like sleepovers, picnics and so on
-No jax allowed so you barricaded her door so he couldnt get in
-Quite funny hearing him struggle

-romantic dates at that
-just the two of you, no bubbles
-even if bubbles did show up *POP*
-flirty jokes here n there

-letting you in their personal space...a LOT
-usually hates when people are near them
-but not you
-so you take advantaged of that

-hugging/holding hands
-since he usually loses focus and wanders off, u hold his hand to make sure he doesnt go anywhere
-in is fort u two are usually hugging/cuddling
-he screams when he realizes someone is holding his hand but apologizes after when he realizes its you

-She draws pics for you or origami(is that how u spell it?)
-You pin her drawings on your walls to look at when u get back to ur room after a long day as a reward
-You thank her a lot each and every time
-and with her origamis you just place them on your desk beside your bed to look at

-words of reassurance
-She would reassure you that there is a exit and she will find it and also take u out of here with her and the others
-Despite her not liking "human" contact she'll pat ur back or rub your arm in reassurance
-You deeply thank her and that keeps you going for another day 

(That was really short and im sorry but i had no idea what to put but nonetheless i hope you guys enjoyed this!! byeeee!!!)

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