~The days i stayed~

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I must have fallen asleep becuase I didn't notice tanjiro leaving the room. I stayed laying down staring up at the ceiling before sitting up. I noticed there being some medicine next to me, I picked it up and swallowed it.

I looked around the room before leaving it. I walked around the mansion lost till I saw that guy again I remember tanjiro saying his name was genya.

"Genya.." I called out to him.

"What do you want?" He turned around looking at me.

"Do you know where tanjiro went or if he will be back?" I asked him. He didn't seem quite happy with my question and turned away from me again

"He went to go train, Aoi told me to tell you when you wake up that your not allowed to train till 3 more days." He said before walking away

I followed him trying to catch up. "Was I right when I called you genya?"

Genya nodded, I'm not sure if he wants to talk to me or anything.

"I think I remember you staring at me yesterday. Is that true?" I asked, sounding confused

"Yeah I was watching you, so what?" Genya spoke, sounding slightly rude.

"Oh, okay." I said trying to remember what we were just talking about. "What were we doing again?"

Genya looked at me. "Nevermind, just go back to the infirmary to rest." He said that in a nicer tone but sounded quite serious about it.

I nodded and started walking back before I stopped in my tracks. "Where is that again?" I said sounding confused

Genya turned to me, before walking towards me. "Follow me then."

I followed him staying quiet, I had nothing to talk about I think I was zoning out again becuase next thing I heard was genya saying my name in a loud voice.

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