~The proposal~

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{3rd person pov}

They both took a walk in the park, Genya had an idea.

"Muichiro, none of us are wounded anymore right?" He asked.

"No, why?" Muichiro seemed quite confused.

"Well that means we can leave the butterfly estate."

"Yeah but how will we see each other I don't know where you live."

"I'll take you to the wind pillar estate."

"Okay, I'm pretty sure you already know where the hashira estate is. For the hashira who don't have an estate."

"Yeah, that's where Nemi goes for meetings."

Genya and Muichiro headed towards the butterfly estate first to gather a few things. Once they had reached the estate they were greeted by Tanjiro and kanao.

"Hello Shinazugawa and Tokito." Tanjiro said.

"Hello Tanjiro" replied Muichiro.

Genya just smiled at them both and then him and Muichiro went towards the infirmary to grab their stuff. Aoi walked into the room.

"Are you both fully treated before you leave?" She asked.

"Yep" they both replied.

"Okay, then you both may leave. Feel free to come here to train or if you're wounded I'm always happy to help and so is Miss Kocho.

They had gathered their stuff and Aoi waved goodbye to them and wished them a safe journey. They were off on their way to the wind pillar estate. Genya seemed to be wanting to hold Muichiros hand but didn't have the courage to ask or make the first move. Muichiro didn't even notice and carried on walking beside Genya but still following.

Genya finally decided to hold Muichiro's hand, Muichiro had a faint blush on his face now.

"G- Genya..." Muichiro couldn't think of what to say and just held his hand aswell.

They had both now reached the wind pillar estate and Genya took Muichiro up to his room to show him around.

"Woah, your room is so cool." Muichiro said very surprised and in awe.

"Thank you."

Muichiro hugged Genya out of the blue, it was heart warming to Genya so he returned the hug.

"I want to take you somewhere is that okay?" Genya asked


Genya took Muichiro's hand and walked outside, not dragging him but not being slow either.

About 5 minutes later they reached a cherry blossom garden. Genya had Muichiro's eyes covered and told him to close his eyes and stand still.

"You can open your eyes now" Genya said.


Muichiro opened his eyes and saw Genya holding bouquet.

"Tokito Muichiro, will you be my boyfriend?"


Muichiro ran up to Genya, and Genya took him in his arms.

"Keeping it a secret for a while before we tell the others?" Genya asked.

"It's up to you." Muichiro said

Genya knelt down and kissed Muichiro.

"We will keep it a secret till we see the others attitude on love."

"We can tell Mitsuri right? She's understanding in everything." Muichiro asked.

"Yes we can tell Mitsuri becuase i trust her."

Genya picked up Muichiro and carried him to the hashira estate.

"Its getting late so it's best I get you back home I'm pretty sure master Kagaya will be pleased to see you."

Muichiro nodded softly but was slowly drifting off into a sleep becuase of how comfy he felt.


Thank you all so much for all these reads, this isn't the end yet but I'm hoping you all are loving the story so far feel free to leave messages I will read and reply to them.

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