~The Mission~

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{Warning: swearing.}

The sun rose when a crow flew into the room, it had eye lashes on it. "Kaw, kaw. Muichiro a demon is lurking by the river in the city. Find it and kick it. Kaw, kaw"

Muichiro woke up and got dressed in his uniform and noticed Genya was still asleep. He left the mansion following the crow to the city.

Genya awoken noticing Muichiro missing. He walked around the mansion looking for him in every spot and room before giving up. "Where the fuck is he?" Genya said in a worried tone.

Muichiro arrived at the city and sat down to have some mochi. Every bite he took the better it started tasting. He forgot about telling Genya where he was going.

(Back at the mansion)

"Genya what's wrong?" Aoi said appearing from behind him.

"Aoi, I can't find Muichiro. What if he's lost and scared? Where is he?" Genya said panicking badly.

"Muichiro went on a mission. Didn't he tell you?" Aoi responded calmly.

Genya shook his head.

(Back in the city)

Muichiro started walking around waiting for night fall to track the demons appearance. It wasn't that busy in the city at this time of day most people are busy working and stuff. He walked around for a while till the sun started setting.

Awhile later he heard some screams and ran towards them finding the demon. Lower 7 a demon with a unique human looking design. You can only tell she was a demon with the number carved in her left eye.

"Oo, what do we have here eh? A hashira. I guess my appearance was too strong for other slayers" she said laughing like a psycho.

Muichiro drew his sword and went into an attack. The demon jumped in the air dodging the swing. "Not so bad for a tiny looking human."

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