~people know~

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{Muichiro's pov}

It's been a week since me and Genya started dating. I've been wanting to tell Mitsuri but Obanai is always with her or she's on a mission. I've sent my crow, Ginko, out to tell her to meet me when she comes back to the hashira estate. I'm currently with Genya, sat on his lap with my face nuzzled into his chest. He's trying to get me to sleep becuase I said I was tired.

"Genya I don't wanna sleep" I said.

"You're tired Muichiro, go to sleep before I make you." He said.

I hsve no idea how he will make me go to sleep but I really wanna know.

"But I wanna stay awake."

"Not a chance you get really moody when you're tired."

"But GenGen." I'm now trying to use a nickname on him.

"That won't work Muichiro." He said planting a soft kiss on my head.

"Genya, you're supposed to kiss my lips!" I had a pouty face according to Genya.

"Only if you sleep first" He said.

"Hmph- fine" I said as I start to settle down and fall asleep.

{Genya's pov}

Muichiro was finally asleep, he's so adorable when he's asleep. We are in my room on my bed, Nemi is not at home right now and even if he was he don't know if I'm at the butterfly estate or not. I rest my chin on Muichiro's head and I fall asleep my self.

(Time skip)
{Genya's pov}

I have woken up to the sound of Nemi returning home. It must have been a few hours. As long as he don't know I'm here with Muichiro he won't find out our secret.

"Kaw, Kaw..." I hear a crow fly into my room, it was Muichiro's.

Sanemi must have heard as he entered my room, he sees a sleeping Muichiro on me and give me a look of you better explain to me later.

The crow wakes up Muichiro, the damn pest. "Kaw, Mitsuri is on her way back to the Hashira estate."

"Okay, thank you Ginko." Muichiro groaned softly.

"Do you want me to walk you back?" I asked.

"But Genya how will you get back with me knowing you're safe."

"I'm always fine."

"You can stay with me at the Hashira estate tonight." Muichiro said.

We both got up and set off on our journey to the hashira estate. We arrived at the same time as Mitsuri, so we were able to chat with her for a bit.

"Mitsuri I wanna tell you something." Muichiro said.

"Kyaa!! What may that be Muichiro-san." She replied very formal and soft.

"I have a boyfriend." Muichiro has gone a bit quiet.

"Awh. So cute, who may that be?" She asked.

"Me." I said rubbing my neck.

"Shinazugawa-san?!" She seemed quite surprised. "KYAAA!!! THATS SO CUTE" She hugged us both.

"Obanai has been waiting for you aswell Mitsuri, he said he wants to give you something." Muichiro said

"Kyaa, thank you Muichiro-San."

Mitsuri entered the estate and we followed behind. Muichiro brought me to his room and we lay on his bed.

"Go to sleep Muichiro." I said.

"You promised me a kiss first!" He said

I kissed his lips softly, causing him to get blushing again. I smirk and land a few more kisses on his lips. I sit up and pull him onto my lap to continue kissing him. I slowly slide my tongue onto his mouth and deepens our kisses.

I pull away to allow us to breathe. "You enjoying this?" I asked the bright red Muichiro who just nodded.

"Genya I love you."

"I love you more," I kissed his cheek then allowed him to get some rest.

Both of us slept through the night.

(Time skip)
{3rd person pov}

Genya was woken up to Sanemi entering Muichiro's room and screamed at them for sharing the same bed. Muichiro stayed asleep while the 2 siblings fought.

"You what. I don't care, just tell Muichiro he has a meeting today." Sanemi said.

"Okay just please keep us a secret." Genya asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever I will." Sanemi walked off.

"Thank you." Genya said

Muichiro awakes from his slumber and yawns.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty."

"Goodmorning Gen." Muichiro had a soft morning voice.

Genya leans in to kiss Muichiro. Both kissed for a bit before deciding to change into corpse uniform and going to go grab breakfast. All the hashira was there meaning there was a meeting or something going on.

"Oh, yeah. Muichiro you have a meeting today Nemi told me." Genya said remembering this morning.

"Thank you Gen." Muichiro replied still waking up.

Muichiro and Genya had breakfast before Muichiro left to go to the other Hashiras.

Around 1 hour later Muichiro came out tired from the meeting. He walked over to Genya who just picked him up.

"Have a rest Mui you're tired."

"Hmph- okay."


This may be the last chapter of this story I don't know yet but thank you very much for reading this book. The next book I do is mainly a book for my friend who has helped a lot in this book with spelling grammar and punctuation. I got my grading on my English test today, it was Grade 1. I got a 1 on SPaG mostly becuase of spelling and totally nothing else. Have a great day!!

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