~The Walk~

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I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone. I stood up and looked around and saw genya.

"Genya?" I said

He looked up at me who was currently standing again. "What?"

"Sorry." I said helping him up before carrying on "Tanjiro is looking for you."

"Thanks." He turned away avoiding eye contact, he seemed shy? "I already spoke to Tanjiro. Why aren't you resting?"

"I went on a walk becuase I was lonely." I said

"Is no one in there?" He said seeming worried or confused I can't really tell.

I shook my head, Genya walked close to me "follow me Tokito" He said as he carried on walking. Of course I followed him becuase if I didn't I'd probably stay lost.

It wasn't long after we got back to the infirmary and this time he stayed with me. We spoke for a while. "Hey Tokito, what do you want me to call you?"

"I guess you can call me Muichiro, Same goes with Tanjiro I just haven't had enough time to tell him." I said

"Ah, I see well thank you To- Muichiro" Genya seemed sweet saying that, he even smiled his smile was so pure and cute. Wait what am I thinking.

A few more hours went by, and Tanjiro finally showed up again. We found out he was training with one of the butterfly girls he calls kanao.

I think I fell asleep again, I must have been tired but I don't remember falling asleep in this bed. When I woke up I was in genya's bed from yesterday when we were talking. He must have let me stay in his bed since I saw him over in the bed I stayed in.

I stood up and walked over to my bed to take my medicine. I faced away from Genya while I took it becuase the medicine is very vile. I swallowed the medicine and went on a walk becuase I was hungry.

{Genya's pov}

When I woke up I looked over to my bed and saw Muichiro missing, his medicine cup empty. I stood up and went on a walk to find him, it didn't take long to find him he usually gets lost becuase he can't remember what way to go.

"Muichiro!" I called out as I walked closer to him "are you lost?" I asked finishing my sentence.

"Uh, ehhhh. Yes I am lost"  He said looking at the floor seeming embarrassed. "I was trying to find something to eat becuase I was hungry."

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