~The wounds~

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The girl then took me to an empty patient bed and walked out the room. I sat on that bed staring at the floor till I heard tanjiros voice.

"Tokito, its good to see you again!" Tanjiro said with his casual smile

I looked at him and smiled slightly before turning back to the girl that entered the room again.

"Tokito, your going to have to tell me where the wounds are and what happened." The girl said I think I heard someone call her Aoi.

I stared up at the ceiling remembering what happened when I fought gyokko. "Well I was fighting this demon, he sent these spikes out to me. Apparently they have poison in them, that's what I remember him saying. Then I have the wounds on my face, and I think I cracked a rib, when I finally got out of the water thing."

The girl looked at me as if I was a toddler telling her about my school day.

"Tokito, you have to be more careful. Your gonna have some medicine that you will have to take to get rid of the poison in you, and then I'll just bandage your wounds." Aoi spoke leaving the room again, this time she came back with some bandages. "Your gonna have to stand up for this part, and please can you show me your chest, so I can bandage it."

Thats when I stood up and started unbuttoning the top half of the corpse uniform. I held the rest so it didn't fall down while she put some bandages on me and gave me some pare of clothes to wear while I stayed. I held the clothes, after she finished bandaging my chest, I left the room for a minute to somewhere private to change. Once I entered the room again she put a few bandages on my face and cleaned up the blood. The girl then took the corpse uniform off of me and walked out the room I sat back down on the bed staring at the floor.

"Tokito, Tokito." I heard tanjiros voice again and he pointed to the guy next to me, who I only just noticed was looking at me.

We stared at eachother for a few minutes till the girl came back in with the medicine and handed it to me. I drank it, it was not the best tasting medicine but it isn't the worst either.

The person was still staring at me before I walked over to Tanjiro and sat with him. "Tanjiro, who's that guy over there" I said looking over at the person, "and who was that girl that treated my wounds?" I added on to my speach.

Tanjiro smiled softly. "The guy next to your bed is genya and that girl was aoi." Tanjiro said

I stared at the floor again before walking back over to my bed.

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