~Genya's bad day~

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{Muichiro's pov}

I woke up and noticed I was alone in the room, I took my medicine and stood up walking around the butterfly mansion. I then bumped into someone, before I could look who it was they said "Watch where you're going you little twerp." It sounded like Genya's voice but I couldn't find him once I stood up.

Genya continued walking around annoyed. I walked around trying to find him, but I never did. Then I realised I was lost so I sat down leaning against the wall. After a while, I felt someone trip over me, it was Genya.

"Genya, Genya!" I said sounding surprised. I don't think he is in a good mood becuase he stared at me with annoyance.

"What?" He said in a grump.

"Where were you, I was looking for you?" I said sounding worried.

"None of your business Muichiro." He sounded pissed off at someone.

"Oh, okay.." I turned away from him, I don't know if I'm being dramatic or anything.

When I turned back to look at him I noticed he was gone again. "Genya? Genya! Where are you?" I yelled out, I really want Genya.

I wandered around again lost in my thoughts and where I am. Genya always knows where to go and I don't know where he is when I'm lost.

A few hours later, I finally found him. He seemed alot calmer than before. "Genya, are you okay?" I asked seeming worried.

"Yeah, I am okay. Thank you for worrying about me." He seemed sweet when he said that. "Are you lost again?"

I nodded slightly.

"Come on then. Are you hungry?" Genya asked me.

"Yeah..." I said shyly.

He took me to the cafeteria to eat. After we ate some rice balls we went back to the infirmary.
"Genya where were you earlier?"

"Doesn't matter, just go rest." He got a bit annoyed again. I think he isn't ready to talk about it so I'll just leave him alone.

"Okay," I said sounding tired all of a sudden slowly falling asleep.

{My friend was playing minecraft when I was writing this so I kept getting distracted becuase diamond coordinates. Anyways this time I did the grammar and punctuation all by myself but I needed help with spelling :3}

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